星期六, 12月 22, 2012
星期二, 12月 11, 2012
5。五年內用20%的資金支助80位受助人,make a difference gracefully
星期日, 11月 25, 2012
星期六, 11月 24, 2012
星期一, 11月 19, 2012
隔壁桌子的歐洲男人終於忍不住,問我為何面容傷感。我便把委屈向他娓娓道來。他微笑,建議我趁餘暇到他的畫廊工作。他那時候在荷里活道開畫廊,賣貨真價實的現代畫,他的收藏包括 Andy Warhol 的畫作。
後來我找到工作,他到 ICC 來找我午膳。飯後他對我說他真的非常喜歡我,他極鍾意我的五官及身裁。我知道這位在巴黎和紐約都有生意的荷蘭老闆一向喜歡二十出頭的少女,我便笑說我已經三十開外,早已不是他的那杯茶,並打蛇隨柄上問他為何喜歡小女孩,難道沒有溝通問題嗎?
星期四, 11月 08, 2012
Cartier 是我每天行經多次的地方。但鑲工太豪氣粗曠大大件,我未有耐有能力駕馭。
樓下沒有Van Cleef & Arpels,是幸還是不幸?
情人的愛,是最好way out。
星期二, 11月 06, 2012
星期日, 10月 28, 2012
星期六, 10月 20, 2012
If on a winter night a traveler
星期日, 10月 14, 2012
5)法律必須是公諸於世。(所以用咩觀禮守則來限制個別巿民人生自由是有商榷餘地的,參考:Chim Shing Chung v The Commission of Correctional Services)(1995)
星期五, 10月 12, 2012
Why you should apply vigorous business-school methods to your morning make-up routine
星期二, 10月 09, 2012
星期日, 10月 07, 2012
[好文共賞] 粵語尋根…(2) - FABER的日志 - 网易博客
閒來無事,經常上網閒逛,愛用粵語白話文(書面粵語)談天,有人留言“看不懂啊!” (看不懂就過主啦,留言有個屁用?買了本梵文書,難道還要在書的封底寫上“看不懂啊”嗎?) but anyway,這時總有閒著沒事幹的人跳出來把內容給他翻譯一遍,然後對方突然少先隊輔導員上身,告訴我們“说粤语是不对的行为”,我說關你X(編按:七十小袐書是優雅女生)事。他問:“x(編按:七十小袐書是優雅女生)”是什麼?我說:反正是你沒有的東西。
然後他又退一步,換一副民主派氣魄,彷彿剛從秦城監獄出來似的,曰:“广东话和上海话都是方言,大家互相体谅啦。” 不好意思,光這句話我就不同意。除了因為我已經多次表示廣東話不是方言(見《粵語:方言還是語言》)外,我也很介意你把廣東話和上海話放在一起。你認為上海話是方言,你的事,請不要亂拉廣東話下水。
廣東話有七千萬使用者,上海話有沒有?Siri 可用廣東話對話,上海話行不行?Google 可以用廣東話語音搜索,上海話能不能?廣州地鐵想取消粵語報站,引起強烈民意反彈,上海地鐵從建成到現在有沒有用過吳語報站你知道嗎?廣州電視臺要換成普通話,萬人上街,你敢不敢?
現在一些有心人想復興上海話,可惜按照大陸的政治、文化形勢,定必是不了了之。(這也是為何我們要守住廣東話之防線,皆因一旦被打壓,就難有出頭天)所以我批評:上海話走到今天,純屬自甘墮落。有上海人不高興了,罵起來:“你什么意思!你给我说说,上海话怎么就自甘堕落了!” 我沒有回答,因為他這句第一自然反應,已經是自甘墮落的最佳證明。若有人罵廣東話,我才不會“你什么意思”,而是張嘴先來句:“你XXX(編按:七十小袐書是優雅女生)!”
1. 躝斯趌路
既然上面罵了人,我們就先從罵人用語來證明廣東話之溫文爾雅~ 躝斯趌路,現在許多青少年都錯寫成“躝屍趌路”,其實是不對的。更有甚者,連中文都不會寫了,殘桓斷壁的 “lan 尸 gut 路” 慘不忍睹。一個一個字解釋吧:
躝(laan1);普通話說“你给我滚!” 粵語作“你同我躝!”,看上去翻譯無難度,實則不然。《廣韻》:躝,踰也。這個“踰”和“逾越”的逾相通,即越過之意。在廣東話裡取左邊形,右邊聲,即“爛足”意。足都爛了(小腿斷了),就祗能在地上爬了。所以是“爬過”的意思,和普通話的“滚”還是有一點區別的。叫你爬著走,意思是你和動物無異,非常聰明的貶低手法。另有“躝癱”(laan1 taan2)一詞,罵人又躝,又癱,連四足爬行都不是了,而是像蟲子一樣蠕動。
斯(si1);《爾雅·釋言》:斯,離也。《詩·軰風》:墓門有棘,斧以斯之。“斯”的意思是分離、斬斷與某人的聯繫,英文叫“slash the nexus”,管寧與華歆割蓆斷交的故事最為形象。(BTW,“割蓆”這個詞在粵語中還保留著)
2. 譖氣
法國哲學家 Paul Ricoeur 在其1981年著作《Hermeneutics and the Human Sciences》中,指出人類文化其實不可記錄,因為永遠處於變化當中。廣東話經過千百年的發展,已經變得和古中文不大一樣了,“譖氣”便是一例。現在許多人寫成“唚氣”或“噚氣”,其實本字為譖(cam3)。有兩個意思,一是流言蜚語,《詩·小雅》:譖言則退。一是通僭,《釋文》:譖本亦作僭。廣東話的“僭”意思就和古文不一樣了,並非“假”的意思,而是指多餘。比如香港高官都喜歡“僭建”。如此一來,“譖氣”就是說氣特別多。接近但不等於廣東話另一個俗語“長氣”。
3. 土耷
4. 周星馳教中文
燒(siu1);古漢語裡沒有“烤”字,把食物置於火焰上方的烹飪方法,英語是 grill、broil 或者 barbeque,統統用“燒”字。這點從日文裡也能見到,比如 鐵板燒(Teppanyaki),照燒(Teriyaki)。沒有“鐵板烤”這個說法的。普通話說“烤糊了”,廣東話是“燒燶咗”。粵菜有 叉燒、燒肉、燒鵝、燒鴨等等,改名叫“叉烤”行不行?止增笑耳。北方話受胡人影響,多了“烤”這個番邦字,北京烤鸭。為什麼說是番邦字?你去街角問那個圍著火爐撲扇子的新疆人,他賣的是啥?“烤羊肉串”是也。
翼(jik6);翼和翅在古文裡都有,似乎無甚分別,《漢書·翟方進傳》:翅翼雖傷,不避也。然而又能見到翅翼分離的例子,比如《鹽鐵論·西域》云:故群臣議以為匈奴困於漢兵,折翅傷翼,可遂擊服。可見“翅”表示羽毛,而翼則表示骨肉皮等實在的部分。“展翅”便是羽毛伸展長齊的意思。折翅傷翼 = 羽毛折斷、翅膀受傷。飛機有“機翼”而沒有“機翅”,乃是因為飛機身上不長毛的緣故。至於周星馳吃的這個……當然是雞翼啦,你見過有人吃帶毛的“雞翅”嗎?(廣東話經過發展,“翅”作食物時有另外含義,見這篇文章)
P.S.我發現粵語、日語、韓語這些收古漢語影響的語言,“萬”字(ten thousand)的讀音都一樣。廣東話:萬(maan6)。日語:万(man)。韓語:?(man)。祗有北方官話讀成“wan”,頗有種 麥當勞 變 万代福 的感觉。
The Sketch Behind Anne Hathaway’s Valentino Wedding Dress
I am into the cathedral length veil very much.
The veil will become my wings when I walk down the corridor and it will become a breeze when I am standing in the garden.
星期六, 10月 06, 2012
[好文共賞] 買粵語送粵菜… - FABER的日志 - 网易博客
講解一下,Wombok 就是粵語“黃芽白”(北方叫“大白菜”)的譯音,Pak Choy 就是粵語“上海白菜”(北方叫“上海青”)咯。直譯的如 Gai Lan(芥蘭)、Gai Choy(芥菜)、Choy Sum (菜心)、En Choy(莧菜)、Tung Ho(塘蒿)、Chi Qua(節瓜)。這麼多名字裡,唯有 Kang Kong 不是廣東話,而是閩南話“空管” = 通菜。
有很多人分不清 Pak Choy 和 Buk Choy 的區別:都是“白菜”發音,有什麼不同?是這樣的,Pak Choy在廣東話裡是“上海白”,而Buk Choy則是“江門白”。至於為什麼絲瓜成了 Sin Qua?南海番禺順德(南番順)一帶的粵語口音“絲瓜”和“輸瓜”同音,意頭不好,所以改名叫“勝瓜”,音同 Sin Qua,從此而來。
若想做好粵菜,不懂廣東話恐怕也不行。粵菜裡有不少關於烹飪的動詞非常獨特,絕無僅有。廣東話裡,“煮”這個字泛指烹飪,煮飯=做飯。煮餸=做菜。但注意,“菜”和“餸”又有不同,這裡就不浪費篇幅了。那麼既然不能用“煮”來表示 boil 的意思,怎麼辦呢?放心,有一打詞可以用:
比如“煠”,清代的翟灝在其著作《通俗篇·雜字》講到:今以食物納油及湯中一沸而出曰煠。意思是把食材放進滾油或滾湯水中過一下然後快速撈出,讀“zaa3”的時候用油,讀“saap6”的時候用湯水。煠熟的狗頭嘴會咧開,所以形容人笑得很醜就叫“煠熟狗頭”。saap6 這個音是入聲,也就是最後帶尾音閉口。表現出動作之快,英文裡有 hop、tap 這些尾音閉口的字眼也是形容一些較快的動作。“啲青菜煠下就食得啦”。
如果要長時間文火 boil,廣東話裡用“煲”,煲湯,兩個字就告訴你這湯起碼也要幾個小時的功夫。
同一個煮食的動作都有這麼多不同的字眼代表細節差異。可見,要理解粵菜文化,就要保留粵語。有的人一邊吃廣東菜,一邊大聲:“听不懂!说普通话!”實在顯得自相矛盾。此外,我也一直強調廣東話所包含的古文價值。比如在飯店點一道“瑤柱蝦崧炒桂花”。北方人全都不明白“瑤柱”是啥。北宋的劉子翬在《食蠣房》寫到過:“江瑤貴一柱,嗟豈棟梁質。” 至於為什麼廣東人知道瑤柱,你的祖先也知道瑤柱,就你不知道瑤柱?耐人尋味。
P.S. 本blog所提到的一切“廣東文化”“廣東話”中的“廣東”都獨指廣府,不包括廣東省內的潮汕、客家文化及其附屬物。因英文“廣州”=“廣東”=Canton。
星期四, 10月 04, 2012
星期三, 10月 03, 2012
星期一, 10月 01, 2012
星期四, 9月 27, 2012
旺角、麵檔、下雨,我的 Kate Spade 一遢糊塗。一星期後的今天我對著已經死亡的粉紅鞋子,想哭。
我很不開心。 T_T
星期六, 9月 22, 2012
星期四, 9月 20, 2012
踏著紫色Reebox RealFlex一路向...
Reebox RealFlex是什麼顏色?
感謝品牌公關送我的紫色Reebox RealFlex。
Reebox 緣源流長,但一直覺得Reebox 運動鞋的樣子太保守,所以在收到這一雙艷紫配鮮橙的RealFlex很驚喜,顏色型格之餘設計不笨重。(啫係我最怕鞋子成架坦克車咁既款。)
鞋底的粒粒設計是RealFlex的重點,跑起步來輕盈。RealFlex 是什麼?看看以下的廣告片段...雖然我個人認為廣告中的粒粒好勞
星期四, 9月 13, 2012
Guest Comment: Ten things to do in Hong Kong to achieve a better work-life balance
“Work-life balance” has become a popular term in the workplace. Sometimes it is overused, especially at job interviews when the two parties are discussing benefit terms.
The definition of work-life balance may be vague and vary among different people, but the spirit behind the concept is simple enough: it’s about how you prioritise the many facets of your everyday living. It is also about how you see and attribute achievement and enjoyment because they are the real translations of work and life respectively.
Hong Kong is a city with plenty of choices. Here are 10 things you can do to free up your time and enrich your life:
1) Schedule a chat with a genius at the Apple flagship store at the International Finance Centre shopping mall to understand how technology can streamline your emails, meeting arrangements and office tasks.
2) Automate your bill payments with your bank.
3) Adopt a dog from SPCA and let it walk you for 30 minutes every evening after your stressful office hours.
4) Visit the Hong Kong Central Library. Get a funny picture book by Anthony Browne. Then take a seat at the outdoor cafe next to the library and start reading.
5) Sip a glass of Bellini at Mo Bar at Landmark Mandarin Oriental.
6) Plan a day trip to Hong Kong Geopark to feel the power of Gaia.
7) Swim at Pak Lap Wan, a remote but beautiful beach in Sai Kung.
8) Have Sunday brunch at the Brunch Club and think about nothing.
9) Shut away all the noise and relax in silence at St John’s Cathedral.
10) Shop for dinner ingredients at Graham Street outdoor wet market and cook for your loved ones.
星期三, 9月 12, 2012
Jewellery: Van Cleef and Arpels(希望可以戴一生一世)
Watch: Omega(甘願這就是我最後一隻錶)
Dress: Mastina(本地品牌價錢平宜剪裁靚用料又正)
Shoes: Ferragamo(緞子質料但異常結實)
星期日, 9月 09, 2012
星期一, 9月 03, 2012
星期日, 9月 02, 2012
星期六, 9月 01, 2012
星期四, 8月 30, 2012
星期日, 8月 26, 2012
喂做好業績是叫你做好生意呀!保險和資產管理藤繞瓜瓜繞藤,無左保險㸃提供完整的資產管理服務呢?仲話cross selling,冇啦冇啦。
回想電車們要搞幾耐先令旅遊保險可以在ATM隨手買到,又回想非人力資源部門俾幾多心機先整合INAH,我想講Stupid Goose-liver真係早抖啦唔該。
- 他的條件可在他人身上找到,他卻是獨一無二的。
- 他是獨一無二的,又不等如她一定會專一無異心喎,因為每個「他」亦是獨一無二的。
- 條件又可分為「必要條件」和「充分條件」。
- 對我來說,在愛情上可以列出來的條件極其量只是一些 「充分條件」,即是說我不否認我認知以外的條件。
- 嘿。
星期四, 8月 23, 2012
智能大廈裡啜飲一杯 Mocha
星期二, 8月 21, 2012
The Body in the Library and The Jackie O in the Tribunal
Plot summary
The story starts with Mrs Dolly Bantry waking up from a pleasant dream, and noticing that the maid has not been in yet. Suddenly, the maid, Mary, dashes in, tearful and breathless, and informs Dolly that there is a body in the library, before running out again.
Colonel Arthur Bantry then goes downstairs and learns from his butler, Lorrimer, that there is indeed a body in the library, sees it, calls PoliceConstable Billy Palk, and then Mrs Bantry calls her friend, Miss Marple (revealing that the victim has been strangled).
Miss Marple is picked up by Mrs Bantry and her chauffeur, Muswell, and taken to Gossington Hall. There she sees the body. It is a very young girl withplatinum blonde hair, with lipstick and painted nails like a gash, wearing a old but glittery, satin, cheap, black and white evening dress of rather poor quality, with silver sandals. The girl is also wearing a considerable amount of make-up. Soon, the police arrive, the senior officers being DetectiveInspector Slack and the Chief Constable of the County, Colonel. Terence Melchett. Nobody in the household recognises the body, though.
Miss Marple states to Mrs Bantry, that a good suspect in the Bantry's neighbour, Basil Blake, the son of an old school friend of Mrs Bantry's, who is mutually disliked intensely by Colonel Bantry. Basil is well known for dating a young platinum blonde girl, called Dinah Lee. Colonel Melchett visits Basil, but soon discovers that Dinah is not dead, as she comes and argues with Basil.
The autopsy arrives, revealing that the girl was strangled with the belt of her own dress, and that death took place between 10:00 and 12:00 at nighttime. She was also heavily drugged first. Despite her appearance, she died a virgin.
Finally, the body is identified as "Ruby Keene" (her real name being "Rosy Legge"), an 18 year old dancer who worked at a hotel called the Majestic in Danemouth. The body is identified by Ruby's great-cousin and colleague Josephine "Josie" Turner, who explains that she is dance and bridge hostess at the Majestic, but required Ruby to fill in a as dance hostess, due to Josie suffering injuries sustained to her ankle, whilst sunbathing. Ruby would just do the dancing with men, and the exhibition dances with Raymond Starr, the tennis and dancing pro. But the previous night, Ruby went missing, and Josie was forced to do the dance.
After Josie has visited Gossington, Mrs Bantry realises that the one who called the police was Conway Jefferson, an old friend of the Bantry's. Conway had a wife, a son, and a daughter (Margaret, Frank and Rosamund) all of whom were killed in a plane crash. Conway had both legs so badly injured, they were amputated. He lives with Frank's widow, Adelaide, Rosamund's widower, Mark Gaskell, and Peter Carmody, Adelaide's son from her first marriage. And then there is Edwards, Conway's valet. Mrs Bantry then decides that she and Miss Marple will go to Danemouth, stay at the Majestic, and find the killer.
Meanwhile, Melchett has appointed a new assistant, Detective Superintendent Harper. Together they interview Conway and discover that he was going to adopt Ruby, disinherit Mark and Adelaide, and settle £50,000 on her. Despite this, Mark and Adelaide both have alibis. They were playing bridge watching Ruby dancing.
Melchett and Harper interview George Bartlett, who was the last one to see Ruby alive, and who has had his car stolen.
Conway, now tired, orders Edwards to call Sir Henry Clithering. When Sir Henry arrives, Conway asks him to investigate. Sir Henry tells him about Miss Marple. Later after dining, Miss Marple tells Sir Henry that if the case is not solved, the Bantry's lives will be ruined forever.
The police suspect that Ruby went to change to meet a boyfriend, who found out about her and Conway, making him panic and strangle her, leaving her at the Gossington library, and drives away to London. Sir Henry interviews Edwards, who tells him that he saw a snapshot of Basil Blake fall out of Ruby's handbag, making Conway and the reader suspect that Ruby had a lover.
Then, Bartlett's Minoan 14 car is found burning in Venn's Quarry, with a charred and blackened corpse inside. With a few scraps of clothing surviving burning, it is identified as Pamela Reeves, a 16 year old Girl Guide reported missing a few days. Pamela was last seen going to Wallworths. Miss Marple interviews Pamela's friends, and discovers that Pamela was actually going to a hotel, for a film test, after being approached by a "film producer", but Pamela never returned from this appointment.
Miss Marple then goes to Basil Blake's house and informs Dinah Lee that she has discovered that she and Basil are married and that Basil will be arrested for killing Ruby. Basil returns and confesses that after getting drunk and fighting with Dinah at a studio party, he returned and found Ruby lying strangled to death on "his" hearthrug. Panicking, he dumped Ruby in the Bantry's library. The police arrive and Basil is arrested.
Miss Marple, Sir Henry and the Bantrys once again book into the Majestic (they had briefly left), but this time with Colonel Bantry, Melchett and Harper. Miss Marple makes a quick trip toSomerset House (something about marriages) and ask Conway to tell Mark and Adelaide that he is leaving the money to a hostel for young dancers in London, and that he will visit a solicitor to finalize the details tomorrow. Conway does so, and they ask Det. Supt. Harper to keep a watch on people, with his men. Then the Bantrys and Miss Marple (along with the staff and other guests) retire for the night.
At 3:00 in the morning, someone breaks into Conway's bedroom, via the window and balcony, and tries to murder Conway by injecting him with poison, through a needle, but the attacker is stopped by Melchett, Harper and Clithering. But the intruder is not named.
Miss Marple then reveals all to the Bantrys, the Blakes, Melchett, Harper, Clithering, and the Jeffersons. Although nail clippings were found in Ruby's room, the girl in the library had bitten hers, which meant that the body in the library was not Ruby's. When Dinah mentioned Somerset House-marriage, Miss Marple found out that Mark was married to Josie. Upon finding out about Conway and Ruby, they decided to murder her and frame Basil. Mark and Josie approached Pamela regarding a film test, and when she accepted, they bleached her hair, put make-up on her, varnished her nails, put her into one of Ruby's dresses, and drugged her. Mark then slipped away to write letters, and drove down to the sea-front. But that was when he drove Pamela to Basil Blake's house, and strangled her. So when the doctor said the time she died, Mark and Josie had solid alibis, they were playing bridge watching the real Ruby Keene alive and dancing, and they did not leave the table until after midnight. Josie told Ruby to go and lie down in Josie's room. Ruby, as well, had been drugged. When changing for the dance, Josie murdered Ruby, either by strangulation, a poisonous injection, or a blow on the back of her head. In the early hours of the morning, Josie dressed Ruby in Pamela's Girl Guide uniform, stole Bartlett's car, drove to Venn's Quarry, and incinerated the lot.
星期日, 8月 19, 2012
- 我不是電車,但在這電車的年代,我們怎可以對電車一無所知呢?
- 冧路軌好,家下唔冧唔通等首航時先冧咩。我家電車男說:「你咪當UAT囉!」
- 冧路軌之後,我一介白丁,都少少先知先覺知係街軌問題,但我又唔明,典解唔係即刻冧呢?
- 原來有UPS。專業人士同我講術語,一輪嘴,好在我曾經在電車廠工作,明晒。為俾專業人士知道我係嚇大的,我撲克面孔冷冷地問:「咁幾分鐘呢?」「一個鐘架都有。」「咁勁?遲啲full capacity 都一個鐘丫?」「十五分鐘囉...」
- 有UPS我都唔係好安樂。頭先終於俾我諗到我攪咩唔安樂。就算有UPS,冧之前係米應該整個嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟出黎先呢?
- 本文重點不是探討UPS,而是某晚我家電車叉論住我話我「整鬼你乜你冇睇過『銀河鐵路999』架咩?」。咁我上網睇下,咦喂,『銀河鐵路999』,1978/9年播個喎齣野。
星期六, 8月 18, 2012
星期三, 8月 15, 2012
2。Ferragamo 黑色密頭漆皮高跟涼鞋。透明車黑邊的搭帶剛在腳眼之下,凸顯小腿線條
3。Kate Spade 鮮燈長方形牛皮手挽袋。內隴間隔設計細心又實際
星期二, 8月 14, 2012
星期日, 8月 12, 2012
New tenant who is very "classy"
I must reinforce my position though I have verbally expressed it crystal clear today when we met. Please be reminded that:
1) HKDXXk monthly rent is far below market rate on Midlevels or any apartment of similar class at XX. I hope you will appreciate the deal and be faithful
2) I am a righteous person and I will fulfill terms outlined on the tenancy agreement. Any requests otherwise will not be entertained
3) On the tenancy agreement it is stated that "two chests". I understood one is for shoes while another is for clothing. I didn't promise anything other than that. "Lamp" is absolutely out of the list
4) I will make no further arrangement until deposit is secured as stated on the tenancy agreement
5) As stated on the tenancy agreement, any communications should be done in black and white and posted to me
Please note that any kind of business relationship is based on mutual benefits and reciprocal respect.
Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2012 18:57:01 +0800
Subject: Furniture list
Hi X
I choose the below:
Shoe Cabinet - HKD 1490
Chest - HKD 1190
Desk with drawers - HKD 750 + 699 = 1449
Floor Lamp - HKD 230
Total = HKD 4,359
星期六, 8月 11, 2012
Husbands are as affectionate as wives, study finds
Wives show their love for their partner by nagging less while husbands' idea of being affectionate is to do the washing-up or offer to have sex, a study has found.
Books like Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus suggest women are naturally more romantic creatures, but researchers claim husbands and wives simply express their feelings in different ways.
While women show love by suppressing negative thoughts and feelings, men reciprocate in kind by spending more time on shared activities, whether in the kitchen or in the bedroom.
In fact men use a greater range of behaviours to be affectionate than women do, proving that they are just as affectionate – albeit less traditionally romantic – than their spouses, according to the study.
The team, from the University of Texas, questioned 168 couples at four points in their marriage: two months after their wedding, on their first and second anniversaries, and again 13 years later.
To analyse the nature of their relationships the team interviewed each person about how close and attached they felt to their partners, as well as asking a series of questions about each other's behaviour over the past 24 hours.
They found that wives "seem to show love by tending to the emotional climate of their marriages" while husbands' love "appears to create an environment that draws spouses together in activity".
Women who were more in love with their husbands were less likely to nag their husbands, as well as offering them hugs and kisses.
Suppressing negative thoughts and feelings for the good of their relationship suggests that wives are more focused on fostering a healthy emotional relationship, researchers said.
In contrast, husbands' displays of affection were related to spending more time in shared activities with their spouse, for example by helping out with household chores or taking up shared hobbies.
Men who were more in love were also more likely to try to initiate sex with their wives, supporting the idea that sex is "an important channel through which men express loving feelings", the academics suggested.
Loving wives, on the other hand, were less likely to try to have sex, possibly because allowing their husbands to take a leading role was another sign of their accommodating behaviour.
This could be the result of evolution, which programmed women to try to secure an emotional investment from men in their family, and encouraged men to invest time in their partners to prove themselves as good providers, the researchers added.
Writing in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, they said: "Contrary to the notion that women are more inclined than men to show love through affection, husbands were just as likely as wives to express their love by engaging in warm, intimate behaviours.
"Moreover, contrary to the popular notion that wives' ability to love outshines that of men, it appears that husbands may actually use a wider range of behaviours to show their love than wives.
"To shamelessly abuse the metaphor, we did not find men in a Martian cave nor women in a Venusian garden, but rather in separate neighbourhoods of the same town."
🌇 週遊列大廈
星期五, 8月 10, 2012
倘 Google 員工不幸身故,公司會在未來的十年。。。。。。
星期四, 8月 09, 2012
Update: Reader Survey
(你做咩搞咩問卷呀?Well,我以前做global staff engagement survey 的,所以有鋪咁既癮。私隱資料我會很小心處理,你知啦,我做過HR架嘛。)
星期三, 8月 08, 2012
星期二, 8月 07, 2012
星期一, 8月 06, 2012

- 租金相宜 (HKD 14k 可以有三房)
- 寧靜遠離煩囂
- 境色宜人(雙橋海景)
- Dog-friendly
- 物業在五年內升值潛力高,因為國際學校哈羅即將進駐及港鐵有望開通深井路段。
- 如果屯門工路有咩事,咁,就,嘿!
- 好曬
- 同時又好濕喎
- 飛機及船隻嘈音幾惡頂
深井(Sham Tseng)位於香港新界荃灣的西北部,位置為汀九以西,青龍頭以東,以深井村為中心。而深井出產的燒鵝,也在香港相當馳名,除了燒鵝,深井也有多間不同種類的食肆在此設店,來自各國的美食進駐,包括中、西、意、印度等地的菜式,店鋪食肆超過十五間,所以深井有美食中心之稱。深井有觸特的海灣,可遠眺青馬大橋、馬灣島,天氣晴朗時更可看見香港國際機場的美景。在1980年代至1990年代,多間發展商都在深井發展,目前沿海地區落成了多座屋苑,例如碧堤半島、浪翠園等大型屋苑,都以海景及寧靜作賣點。
星期日, 8月 05, 2012
星期六, 8月 04, 2012
星期五, 8月 03, 2012
Catch me if you can... browers and OS

This is the traffic statistics about my blog last month counting by types of browers and OS. I have never heard about some of the browers and OS, which should be some emerging technologies.
Are you the one using any one of them? Why and how are their performances?
I would love to hear the comments from you.
Cheers and have a nice weekend.
星期四, 8月 02, 2012
Blogging to make a living
Joanna of NYC talks about her story on blogging- how blogging as a hobby finally turned into a career.
When did your blog start making money?
As I said here, shifting from blogging-as-a-hobby to blogging-as-a-career was a very slow transition and one that I had never anticipated. After a year or so, I started featuring a few ads on my blog to earn some pocket money. And after a couple years, I quit my job to focus on freelance magazine writing and grow my blog, so it became about half my income. But only about a year ago did I finally realize that my blog had officially become my full-time job—both financially and time-wise. And I was happy and surprised. (Also here's my work/life balance post, if you'd like to know more.)
What are your favorite parts of blogging?
* Having a close relationship with my beloved readers. Starting the Motherhood Mondays column took the relationship to a new level, because we started discussing marriage, breastfeeding, depression, infertility, everything. Having these conversations has been an incredible, eye-opening, heartwarming experience.
* I LOVE LOVE LOVE when readers stop us in the street because it's so awesome to meet readers in person. Blogging can feel isolated sometimes, since you work on a laptop at home, so it's amazing to meet people. (And everyone is always so nice and cute!:)
* Writing about a bunch of different topics. If we do a bedroom makeover or I read a fascinating parenting book or I'm itching to write a guide to NYC, I can just do it. That's great, since when you work for a magazine, your "beat" tends to be much more limited. And the great thing is, if I start feeling in a rut, I can just shake things up. It's a real gift to have editorial control.
* Working with photographers, designers and illustrators. Now and again, I've worked with super talented people, like Jamie Beck, Jenny Komenda and Gemma Correll. It's been such a pleasure and honor. I'd love to do more collaborations in the future.
* Alex being awesome. Alex helps a lot with my blog, not so much in the nitty gritty, but just overarching conversations about ideas, worries, etc. He jokes that I'm the CEO, but he's the chief strategist, director of communications, personal chef, mailroom guy, and psychotherapist for Cup of Jo. :) And he's written a couple posts, including 8 confessions of a new dad and his side of the birth story.
星期二, 7月 31, 2012
Search Engine Optimization
SEO 若是照英文字面上的意思,就是讓你的網站符合搜尋引擎的喜好,進而提升網站整體排名,藉此導入訪客。
搜尋引擎最佳化(簡稱SEO ,Search Engine Optimization)是一種利用搜尋引擎的搜尋規則,來提高目的網站在有關搜尋引擎內的排名的方式。
如果你想成為一個專業的博客,認識 SEO 是絕對必要的。因為一套有效的 SEO 策略能提成你網站在搜尋引擎的排名,藉此導入訪客。
1. 友情鏈接
2. 關鍵詞
星期一, 7月 30, 2012
星期六, 7月 28, 2012
Blogging 新大計
星期二:social media
星期三:webEx meeting at 10pm
星期四:fashion and beauty
星期五:arts and design
星期五, 7月 27, 2012
淘乜洶物其間我注意到其實我也可以開間網店,向國內巿場傾銷我的菲洛嘉漠皮鞋,又或Nollen Miller 仿鑽手飾。
星期二, 7月 24, 2012
Van Cleef & Arpels
當然喜歡鑽石,但比起周氏金行的一枚鑽介,一只 Van Cleef & Arpels 的四葉草指環更是一種鮮為人知的奢華。
上一次到中國會參與 Van Cleef & Arpels 的 focus group discussion,一位有錢人家的少婦說戴 Van Cleef & Arpels 的女孩子總叫她另眼相看-當然- 我在這聘請了三萬多人的公司就是沒有看見另一個戴 Van Cleef & Arpels 的女人。不過又誠如珠寶店售貨小姐說的,很多人買了,未必戴。
我又摸摸右手他送的 Van Cleef & Arpels 貝母指環。雖然黑色的縞瑪瑙比米色的貝母型格得多,但戴上他送的這只貝母指環後,我便把自己的黑色的縞瑪瑙指環脫下放會手飾箱了。
星期一, 7月 23, 2012

颱風 (Typhoon) 是一個氣候現像。事實上,颱風是熱帶氣旋的其中一個類別,並且是一個地域名稱。跟據美國 The National Ocean Service (NOS) 的資料,世界其他地方對熱帶氣旋的稱呼分別有:
- 大西洋和東北太平洋: Hurricane
- 西北太平洋 : Typhoon
- 南太平洋和印度洋 : Cyclones
星期日, 7月 22, 2012

椰菜芥蘭節瓜茄子通菜小白菜。 一大堆五顏六色但互不協調的蔬菜,在雪櫃裡已經冰了一個星期。老了韌了霉了的蔬菜,不想白白浪廢自己的生命,便跑進她的夢裡追著她要她快些煮了他們來吃。她對著蔬菜鬼叫,鬼叫每次他從他媽媽家回來,都帶回很多的蔬菜,咩。
主唱: 張學藕, 梅艷芒
圖/文: 小克
最好, 有生一日齋戒弄去
生活, 其實旨在找個性伴侶
沒有肉慾, 熱戀很快變長流細水
好彩我, 偏愛食葷肉
不過, 兩公婆不懂轉身
得到飯局, 又要買新衫.
得到贅肉, 卻怕去瘦身站
星期五, 7月 20, 2012
Connecting all the tools for the purpose of connecting
星期四, 7月 19, 2012
他說他初出茅蘆,一次,他發現銷售系統的其中一個功能很低能。該功能低能之處說穿了就是欠了一個 "Select All" 的 button。 所以如果 user 要把版面上的項目全部選擇,user 就要逐個剔。
宋漢生戲謔 : 「那個剔,只有十色點乘十色點小,要剔中都是一門學問。不但浪費時間,還容易出錯,而且錯了也不容易察覺。整個銷售部門,都時不時踩中這個陷阱。問其他人,都說已經投訴過,等跟進。」
忍無可忍,宋漢生向上頭反映。 IT 的 job list 水蛇春咁長,他的上司便告訴宋漢生「可以用人肉解決的,盡量不要勞煩IT。」宋漢生便得出一個「對外IT,對內慳啲。」的結語。
又講返黑人的 OT 事件簿事件。黑人提起他有小聰明的老闆喜歡同事加班之餘還要求員工每天填表申報是日工作流程,詳列每件task所需時間。黑人認為這是內耗行為。
其一是我在大地產商上班時,雖然辦公室在七十樓高層,但我是一名低層員工,所以加班有津貼。管理人員一天 A May Sings Grace, 要求我們申領加班津貼的同事拎本簿,記下每天加班時的工作內容。我乖巧醒目人又伶俐文筆又好,當晚加班時我拿拿臨開本新記事簿,申報第一項加班內容:
1. 我要記下我今天加班時的工作內容。
到我在銀行工作,在一個訴苦會議上,我的電車同事們告訴我他們的 Project Timesheet Tool 很廢柴,低能例子比今天宋漢生說的更過猶而無不及。而且 IT Resources 唔夠,在週五或其他大時大節,當全世界也要 update 的時候,網路啦Server啦就會大塞車,塞塞下就 time-out,所有已鍵入的資料人間蒸發,血本無歸, 電車同事們一殼眼淚。