Morning isn’t the ideal time for attempting new things, hence perform your experiments and try different styles of make-up at night or during weekends. You may then replicate your “target operating models” in the morning minutes. If you find Chanel’s daring eyes make-up fascinating and you believe Bobbi Brown’s pretty flushed cheeks will give you a pop, spare a night to get well versed with layering and painting before you put them into use in the morning.
At your workstation, you employ a number of streamlining solutions to improve the efficiency of your business processes by eliminating unnecessary steps. At your dresser, you can re-engineer your make-up processes and arrange them in the right sequence to achieve the same level of simplicity. You might also want to combine some of the steps to kill two birds with one stone. For example, Laura Mercier’s Illuminating Tinted Moisturizer can deliver the functions of a face lotion, foundation and sunscreen in one go.
Give some thought to the priorities of your make-up routine as the clock always ticks faster when you are getting ready for work. Identify the critical tasks and decide which of them should be done first: moisturizer, concealer, blush and gloss are my top-four objectives in the morning rush.
There are some tasks that can be outsourced to someone else to save you the time and effort of doing the same thing every day in front of your dresser. Mascara is important because it makes you look much more awake, but it can be time consuming to apply before work. Kesalan Patharan’s eyelash extension service, for example, can help you to manage the mascara step and save you time.