於滾湯時可同時預備勝瓜,把勝瓜突起的部分刮掉,剩下綠色的部份,這會令做好的魚湯浸勝瓜好看一點,而且煮的時候,絲瓜不會變得太軟。而勝瓜要切大一點,因魚湯浸後會縮小的,若勝瓜縮得太小便很難看。切時要用"滾刀",即一邊滾動勝瓜, 一邊切。
蘇GOOD 10 一湯兩味 Part 1
星期二, 8月 31, 2010
Wai Lim 狠狠地踏碎我
iPhone 狠狠地跌碎了
我無啦啦跟她說起 factoring 這種生意
他在天津的地產項目未起,但買了另一個殼做 factoring
可不可以 factor 出去?
How factoring works?
Wai Lim 狠狠地踏碎我
iPhone 狠狠地跌碎了
我無啦啦跟她說起 factoring 這種生意
他在天津的地產項目未起,但買了另一個殼做 factoring
可不可以 factor 出去?
How factoring works?
Supplier signs a factoring contract with CSOB Factoring and becomes our client. | |
Goods or services are supplied to Customer. Supplier issues an invoice with a cession clause and sends off an original to Customer. | |
Then Supplier assigns his claims to our company, which implies that Customer of his becomes a debtor of CSOB Factoring. | |
Supplier / client has the right to draw an advance payment up to 90 % of nominal value of the claim including VAT. | |
When the claim is due, Customer is obliged to pay on CSOB Factoring account. | |
The difference up to 100 % of nominal value of the claim is paid to Client the same day when CSOB Factoring receives the payment from Customer / debtor. |
星期一, 8月 30, 2010
星期五, 8月 27, 2010
黃碧雲 甜美生活
奇怪,她近來老說病。打電話來,說,我病。骨膜發炎,全身都痛,不能走。我 就陪她去看醫生。醫生說不出病因,只能解釋病情。骨膜炎好了以後,她又患上了甲狀 腺分泌過多,全身像秋葉一樣搖落。她進了醫院我去看她。她坐在床上看風景,神情很 是迷惘。我站在她床邊她久久沒有意識,良久方轉過臉來,臉上有兩行淚痕。我和她十多年朋友了,知她素日性情倔強,她沒說的事情我從來下問。這次我禁下住坐在她床沿 ,問:"你到底受到什麼委屈?"她搖搖頭,忽然笑起來,說:"沒什麼,真的沒什麼。 你怎麼樣,辭工了沒有?"
她病好後開始變得很奇怪,譬如很喜歡叫人送東西給她,連那些賽馬會的雨傘、大公司過聖誕送給客人的紅酒和巧克力都不放過。 "你送什麼東西給我?"或:"你的Prada袋很漂亮,可不可以買個送給我?"她又變得很喜歡聽人講電話,邊聽還要邊插嘴:"去吃越南菜吧,佐敦道蘭桂坊和灣仔都有好店子。 "以前只穿套裝的她,忽然穿一身帶金的凡賽斯,古奇的高跟幼跟拖鞋,穿得像個不用工作的情婦。我開始有點怕她,便不再找她。
兩年後在中環碰到她。還是一套套裝,一對花拉加莫的圓頭半跟鞋,提一個公事包背一個手袋,頭髮長了,臉容光潔,挽著我,說:"我以為你死了。"我囁嚅道:"哦,我,沒什麼。 "她揚起頭,在人群中仍是這樣的倔強。"是了,我要移民了。 "我道:"好好,你又走了。 "她說:"去結婚。 "我握著她:"這敢情好。 "她低下頭,看著自己的鞋子:"那時候,我失戀。"又抬起頭來:"你找我吧。現在朋友愈來愈少了。"
我看著她消失在中環的人潮之中,忽然我臉上發熱,原來癢癢地流了眼淚。來到我們這年紀,居然還會流眼淚:這樣傷痛以致她無從說起,只得生病或用其它的奇怪方式表達。而在她最困難時期,我卻因為她的困難而離棄她。這樣,她不但失去了她的愛人,她亦同樣失去了我。我和她的愛人一樣,因為不理解而將她拋入孤獨的深淵裡面。 誤會關於愛,總是誤會重重。
她病好後開始變得很奇怪,譬如很喜歡叫人送東西給她,連那些賽馬會的雨傘、大公司過聖誕送給客人的紅酒和巧克力都不放過。 "你送什麼東西給我?"或:"你的Prada袋很漂亮,可不可以買個送給我?"她又變得很喜歡聽人講電話,邊聽還要邊插嘴:"去吃越南菜吧,佐敦道蘭桂坊和灣仔都有好店子。 "以前只穿套裝的她,忽然穿一身帶金的凡賽斯,古奇的高跟幼跟拖鞋,穿得像個不用工作的情婦。我開始有點怕她,便不再找她。
兩年後在中環碰到她。還是一套套裝,一對花拉加莫的圓頭半跟鞋,提一個公事包背一個手袋,頭髮長了,臉容光潔,挽著我,說:"我以為你死了。"我囁嚅道:"哦,我,沒什麼。 "她揚起頭,在人群中仍是這樣的倔強。"是了,我要移民了。 "我道:"好好,你又走了。 "她說:"去結婚。 "我握著她:"這敢情好。 "她低下頭,看著自己的鞋子:"那時候,我失戀。"又抬起頭來:"你找我吧。現在朋友愈來愈少了。"
我看著她消失在中環的人潮之中,忽然我臉上發熱,原來癢癢地流了眼淚。來到我們這年紀,居然還會流眼淚:這樣傷痛以致她無從說起,只得生病或用其它的奇怪方式表達。而在她最困難時期,我卻因為她的困難而離棄她。這樣,她不但失去了她的愛人,她亦同樣失去了我。我和她的愛人一樣,因為不理解而將她拋入孤獨的深淵裡面。 誤會關於愛,總是誤會重重。
我唔自愛 (*&^&$(*#)
如果我真係唔自愛,俾一個我重視的朋友話我唔自愛話唔理我,我真係黎個 self fulfilling prophecy ,唔自愛俾你睇!
如果我冇 independent thinking,俾一個我重視的朋友話我唔自愛話唔理我,我真係黎個 self fulfilling prophecy,唔自愛俾你睇!
不過我可能仍會不時癲下。癲,是我的 DNA。又當然,sweet 同 smart 都係我既 DNA。
(你,你係咪俾人洗腦!你鬧我既野同佢一樣囉。又話我代入d 書到。嘿!)
如果我真係唔自愛,俾一個我重視的朋友話我唔自愛話唔理我,我真係黎個 self fulfilling prophecy ,唔自愛俾你睇!
如果我冇 independent thinking,俾一個我重視的朋友話我唔自愛話唔理我,我真係黎個 self fulfilling prophecy,唔自愛俾你睇!
不過我可能仍會不時癲下。癲,是我的 DNA。又當然,sweet 同 smart 都係我既 DNA。
(你,你係咪俾人洗腦!你鬧我既野同佢一樣囉。又話我代入d 書到。嘿!)
星期四, 8月 26, 2010
昨天一同事說喂你是否認識 Wai lim ? 我坦然承認。
為什麼不?與 Wai lim一起的曰子,我終日笑臉盈盈。雖然我也同時常常因為他而惴惴不安,獨自哭泣。又不過,我生來就愛哭。
昨天一同事說喂你是否認識 Wai lim ? 我坦然承認。
為什麼不?與 Wai lim一起的曰子,我終日笑臉盈盈。雖然我也同時常常因為他而惴惴不安,獨自哭泣。又不過,我生來就愛哭。
星期二, 8月 24, 2010
When I turned on the TV last night I saw the breaking news. I thought the crisis was resolved when I saw police stormed the bus. However.
There is always a way out. If I were the government, I will propose alternatives and I will not be bound by the solo request of the hijacker. There are options.
It's sad that innocent hostages died. It's equally sad that the whole thing was being push to a point of no return.
I also felt it incredible when newspaper reported that Benigno Aquino, the president of the Philippines, did not pick/ return the calls from Donald Tsang.
We should be reminded that it is the era of globalization and nobody no nation is living in a silo.
Plus. My personal feeling is that the incident is very much of Regarding the Pain of Others. I witnessed the incident on television I read the newspaper I felt sad about it. But what's more?
There is always a way out. If I were the government, I will propose alternatives and I will not be bound by the solo request of the hijacker. There are options.
It's sad that innocent hostages died. It's equally sad that the whole thing was being push to a point of no return.
I also felt it incredible when newspaper reported that Benigno Aquino, the president of the Philippines, did not pick/ return the calls from Donald Tsang.
We should be reminded that it is the era of globalization and nobody no nation is living in a silo.
Plus. My personal feeling is that the incident is very much of Regarding the Pain of Others. I witnessed the incident on television I read the newspaper I felt sad about it. But what's more?
星期一, 8月 23, 2010
星期日, 8月 22, 2010
星期六, 8月 21, 2010
我想念Wai lim 的 chest hair 想念他的sideburns。我是個女人,我只想跟有男人味的異性耳廝磨。
男女關係上,我是很動物本能的,嗅覺加視覺對上了,才會有感覺。我發現,我的身體會很本能地 decline 。做朋友麼?我已經有三十年的過去,我見識不淺,故事一大堆,我不認為別人有這個耐性來了解我。
我想念Wai lim 的 chest hair 想念他的sideburns。我是個女人,我只想跟有男人味的異性耳廝磨。
男女關係上,我是很動物本能的,嗅覺加視覺對上了,才會有感覺。我發現,我的身體會很本能地 decline 。做朋友麼?我已經有三十年的過去,我見識不淺,故事一大堆,我不認為別人有這個耐性來了解我。
星期四, 8月 19, 2010
My career aspiration
I want to sing this song to my line manager to tell her what are the things that I am looking for at work. In my early years, I fought for a better pay I fought for a nicer title on my namecard. When I was working on 70/F, I wanted these things badly. Years gone I am now working on G/F, 1/F, 2/F, 12/F, 15/F ... and I am fairly paid and fairly named. I am grateful that I feel satisfied with what I have had. I really do not have any ambitious goal along my path. I just wish to live a happy life, be a happy staff member. Meanwhile, if I could, bring happiness to the people around.
Oh, Master grant that I may never seek
So much to be consoled as to console
To be understood as to understand
To be loved as to love with all my soul.
Make me a channel of your peace
Where there's despair in life, let me bring
Where there is darkness, only light
And where there's sadness, ever joy.
I am very thankful that I am put into this job role. And thanks again, Magician, your referral did mean a lot to me.
Oh, Master grant that I may never seek
So much to be consoled as to console
To be understood as to understand
To be loved as to love with all my soul.
Make me a channel of your peace
Where there's despair in life, let me bring
Where there is darkness, only light
And where there's sadness, ever joy.
I am very thankful that I am put into this job role. And thanks again, Magician, your referral did mean a lot to me.
星期三, 8月 18, 2010
朋友 ah fan 是 dealer,我每年見他,他都跟我說工時長的問題。
我的鄰居原來也有很多是做 trader 這一行,他們晨曦初現便上班,夜來八九時才回家,十一時多已經睡覺了,工作時 focused 而 well-disciplined,連帶生活也很有規律。
我的鄰居原來也有很多是做 trader 這一行,他們晨曦初現便上班,夜來八九時才回家,十一時多已經睡覺了,工作時 focused 而 well-disciplined,連帶生活也很有規律。
星期一, 8月 16, 2010
星期六, 8月 14, 2010
Wai Lim 說我活在夢中,常常以為生活是一篇小說一個兒童故事。其實這話該倒轉來說:我的故事我的喜怒哀樂,最平常不過。早有的。
中學時 psychology 的老師說大部份的 causal relationship 已經被人發現。我說呀,我的所謂喜悅憂愁,溫柔暴烈,早就很多人經驗過,表達過了。
あとどれくらい 切 なくなれば
こえ き
あなたの 声 が 聴こえるかしら
ことば ひとみ あ しず
なにげない言葉 を 瞳 合わせて ただ 静 かに
か ほか
交わせるだけでいい 他 にはなんにもいらない
あお ま
碧 いうさぎ ずっと待っている
ひと ふる
独 りきりで 震 えながら
さみ し
淋 しすぎて死んでしまうわ
はや あたた ほ
早 く 暖 めて欲しい
あとどれくらい 傷 ついたなら
あなたに 辿 りつけるのかしら
あら にお だ
洗 いたてのシャツの 匂 いに,抱きすくめられたら
いた かな
痛 みも 悲 しみも
なが き
すべてが 流 れて消えるわ
あお な
碧 いうさぎ鳴いているのよ
き とど
そうあなたに聴こえるように,たとえずっと 届 かなくても
えいえん あい
永遠 に 愛 しているわ
あお か
碧 いうさぎそらを翔けてく
こころ て ひかり はな
心 照 らす 光 放 ち
あい はな ゆめ あした
愛 の 花 に 夢 をふりまき,明日 へとah…
あお いの つづ
碧 いうさぎ 祈 り 続 ける
いま ふたり すく しんじつ
今 の 二人 救 えるものは,きっと 真実 だけだから
Wai Lim 說我活在夢中,常常以為生活是一篇小說一個兒童故事。其實這話該倒轉來說:我的故事我的喜怒哀樂,最平常不過。早有的。
中學時 psychology 的老師說大部份的 causal relationship 已經被人發現。我說呀,我的所謂喜悅憂愁,溫柔暴烈,早就很多人經驗過,表達過了。
あとどれくらい 切 なくなれば
こえ き
あなたの 声 が 聴こえるかしら
ことば ひとみ あ しず
なにげない言葉 を 瞳 合わせて ただ 静 かに
か ほか
交わせるだけでいい 他 にはなんにもいらない
あお ま
碧 いうさぎ ずっと待っている
ひと ふる
独 りきりで 震 えながら
さみ し
淋 しすぎて死んでしまうわ
はや あたた ほ
早 く 暖 めて欲しい
あとどれくらい 傷 ついたなら
あなたに 辿 りつけるのかしら
あら にお だ
洗 いたてのシャツの 匂 いに,抱きすくめられたら
いた かな
痛 みも 悲 しみも
なが き
すべてが 流 れて消えるわ
あお な
碧 いうさぎ鳴いているのよ
き とど
そうあなたに聴こえるように,たとえずっと 届 かなくても
えいえん あい
永遠 に 愛 しているわ
あお か
碧 いうさぎそらを翔けてく
こころ て ひかり はな
心 照 らす 光 放 ち
あい はな ゆめ あした
愛 の 花 に 夢 をふりまき,明日 へとah…
あお いの つづ
碧 いうさぎ 祈 り 続 ける
いま ふたり すく しんじつ
今 の 二人 救 えるものは,きっと 真実 だけだから
sliding doors
中央圖書館十樓,雖然是週六,我還是穿一條黑裙子踏我的紅色高跟鞋。升降機門開了,我和一個黑衫女子擦肩。她出𨋢,我越過她入𨋢。第六感突然著了,那女子是我的朋友,我沒有看到她的臉,她的頭髮也太短了些,但我覺得她是我的朋友。我轉身追上前,衝口而出輕叫 :「V」。真的是 V !
星期五, 8月 13, 2010
Ms. Holly Golightly
Holly Golightly (Audrey Hepburn) being a young New York socialite who becomes interested in a young man who has moved into her apartment building.
Holly Golightly
星期四, 8月 12, 2010
經過 soho,呆子一樣亂想東亂想西,忽然有男子在我身後說「嗨」。我回頭,打從心裡開心,一朵笑靨在我臉上綻放。是蕭律師。
經過 soho,呆子一樣亂想東亂想西,忽然有男子在我身後說「嗨」。我回頭,打從心裡開心,一朵笑靨在我臉上綻放。是蕭律師。
星期一, 8月 09, 2010
星期日, 8月 08, 2010
On this cozy Sunday summer afternoon I am served with Egg Benedict and Earl Grey tea at Brunch Club. Sipping the tea with a freshly touch of lemon slices I am reading the sample edition of The Economist. A little piece entitled Gendercide caught my eyes.
The piece talked about a fact well-known to us Hong Kong people, that many girl babies in China were killed or aborted. The writer opined three reasons for the happening of this. The preference for sons; a desire for smaller families; and technologies that identify the sex of a fetus.
The article was enriched with data that in China, for the generation of the early 2000s, there were 124 boys to 100 girls. China alone will have as many unmarried young men as the entire population of young men in America. But China is not a lonely planet. Taiwan and Singapore, though they are relatively rich and have open economies, they have a distorted sex ratio, too. Wealth does not stop it.
South Korea, however, has managed to change the pattern, as the writer said. In the 1990s South Korea had a sex ratio almost as skewed as China's. But now, South Korea is getting to a normal one.
Being one of the many cities of PRC, Hong Kong was not particularly mentioned in the article but according to local authority, we are having more women than men. So are we of a society advanced and civilized enough to get rid of the so-called Gendercide?
No, as a woman living in this city, I shout "NO!"
Last week I went to a "networking" party at a club (hummm okay it was merely a clubbing event). After some merry-go-around with some nice gentlemen, there I stood besides a Frankenstein. Frankenstein said Hong Kong girls are having some tough times because everyone wanna to be wanted by some men and being asked to be married. He smiled at me like a cat got a mouse caught. Rude and irritating.
I know we should not allow ourselves to be irritated in front of someone who means to irritate us. But I wanted to show my anger. I took a step backward, attempted to be on the same eye level with this Frankenstein, wore a confident smile, with guard up.
I REALLY HATE TO BEHAVE LIKE THIS. Nevertheless, I had to because not only I felt irritated, but also being intruded being attacked being poked fun. I will call it sort of Gendercide.
Gendercided ... so I escaped from the club.
Mr. J B, do you know that this was what just happened before the moment I met you on the escalator? And it was one of the reasons why I was there with teardrops on my face.
The piece talked about a fact well-known to us Hong Kong people, that many girl babies in China were killed or aborted. The writer opined three reasons for the happening of this. The preference for sons; a desire for smaller families; and technologies that identify the sex of a fetus.
The article was enriched with data that in China, for the generation of the early 2000s, there were 124 boys to 100 girls. China alone will have as many unmarried young men as the entire population of young men in America. But China is not a lonely planet. Taiwan and Singapore, though they are relatively rich and have open economies, they have a distorted sex ratio, too. Wealth does not stop it.
South Korea, however, has managed to change the pattern, as the writer said. In the 1990s South Korea had a sex ratio almost as skewed as China's. But now, South Korea is getting to a normal one.
Being one of the many cities of PRC, Hong Kong was not particularly mentioned in the article but according to local authority, we are having more women than men. So are we of a society advanced and civilized enough to get rid of the so-called Gendercide?
No, as a woman living in this city, I shout "NO!"
Last week I went to a "networking" party at a club (hummm okay it was merely a clubbing event). After some merry-go-around with some nice gentlemen, there I stood besides a Frankenstein. Frankenstein said Hong Kong girls are having some tough times because everyone wanna to be wanted by some men and being asked to be married. He smiled at me like a cat got a mouse caught. Rude and irritating.
I know we should not allow ourselves to be irritated in front of someone who means to irritate us. But I wanted to show my anger. I took a step backward, attempted to be on the same eye level with this Frankenstein, wore a confident smile, with guard up.
I REALLY HATE TO BEHAVE LIKE THIS. Nevertheless, I had to because not only I felt irritated, but also being intruded being attacked being poked fun. I will call it sort of Gendercide.
Gendercided ... so I escaped from the club.
Mr. J B, do you know that this was what just happened before the moment I met you on the escalator? And it was one of the reasons why I was there with teardrops on my face.
星期四, 8月 05, 2010
- 那時跟Uncle Hall說不如賣了銅鑼灣的辦公室,改在中環租,吸引會員多聚會。Uncle Hall耍手擰頭,說以後萬一冇錢交租或遭逼迁點算!? errrrrrrrrrrrrr
- 我喜歡我的公司,我希望大家也喜歡。
- 我 handle life issues 不太行,所以自覺不能在工作上負擔太多,我跟我上司說:「不用升我,我不是people manager 的人才。
- 30歲獨身女子這身份,會遭很多男人攻擊。他們本身不怎麼樣,但彷彿因為我30 歲他們是男人,便可以 abuse 你。所以,我想讀黃碧雲的「後殖民日誌」。
事有湊巧,洗衣服把wai lim送的啤啤熊一併拿到店去磅洗,結果整袋衣服被偷去,連啤啤熊也沒有了。
大學時一個劇本中我寫過愛一個人,是因為他是他自己。十年了我都差點忘記自己的作品自己的思想。現在再細想,我真心認為愛一個人便是你願意並且投入地與他經歷他的成長,人生的起起跌跌。明明那不是你自己的生命,但你卻極度 engaged。我很幸運,我的父母妹妹,朋友及師長一直這樣的愛我,陪我成長。我仆倒時,他們會痛,並為主動伸手扶起我。
大學時一個劇本中我寫過愛一個人,是因為他是他自己。十年了我都差點忘記自己的作品自己的思想。現在再細想,我真心認為愛一個人便是你願意並且投入地與他經歷他的成長,人生的起起跌跌。明明那不是你自己的生命,但你卻極度 engaged。我很幸運,我的父母妹妹,朋友及師長一直這樣的愛我,陪我成長。我仆倒時,他們會痛,並為主動伸手扶起我。
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