星期六, 1月 22, 2011



1. 我跟醫生說編織有助平靜情緒,問他可有推而廣之的想法。他errrr了一輪,我頓悟:「丫我知啦那些obsessive compulsory disorder 的病人不適用。」

2. 上書局打了一會書釘,書說:「就像有人放火燒你間屋,救火才是正經,難到你丟下房子去追賊嗎?」又頓悟,是呀我的心受傷就應該好好療傷,追憶有咩好追呀。

3. 蕭公子那單IPO是雞場,原來本招股書有揭載養雞這門生意的流程。哇原來招股書咁多野睇!

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Only when you feel an immense urge to do something(compulsion) or think in some ways(obsession), then you will need to worry about OCD. Often they are egodystonic meaning that you actually find those thoughts or behaviour unwanted or stressful, yet one has to do or think in that particular way like a ritual in order to feel relieved once it is completed.