星期二, 1月 12, 2010

push and pull factors

以前寫過感情上的hygiene factors and motivational factors。

對我來說hygiene factors 指金錢呀社會地位呀資產呀咁有or多d唔會增加我對一段感情的滿意度極其量只會去道indifference(towards 0)但冇or不足就會容易令我在有其他野trigger時唔滿意 (towards -1)
-1 .................... 0 ....................1

dissatisfaction satisfaction

而motivational factors 就是志趣相投,有共同理想,互相欣賞,親蜜,仰慕,外形,善解人意等等有或多d會增加滿足感 (towards 1)不知道如果男生要用hygiene factors and motivational factors這個framework去分析會是怎麼樣的呢?

p.s. hygiene factors and motivational factors 本乃心理學理論,亦應用於人事管理

那末,感情可否以push and pull factors 去分析?

1 則留言:

C.M. 提到...


Hygiene factor: love and affection

Motivational factor: care