星期二, 3月 23, 2010

W for walking

工作關係,我常常做public speaking,或主持,或分享,有時也會玩票地教教書。

Wai Lim 前公司也是跨國企業,午膳時間亦有 sharing sessions。 Wai Lim 說他在這些活動一定選擇中間座位;無他,開講後主持一定會請聚居後座的同事挪往沒有人坐的前排位置,位居中者如醒目的Wai Lim,卻可安安樂樂。

哈哈。洗咩咁麻煩,如果我做speaker,遇見這樣的情況,我一定行入受眾中間。邊個話speaker 一定要被限死在講壇上說法架?!

Thom Singer shares:

The best orators go beyond the stage. They walk into the crowd as they deliver their remarks. Oprah Winfrey is famous for this style of speaking while amongst the audience, and it is one of the reasons that people feel connected to her when she speaks.

The best non-professional speaker I have ever seen was a CEO delivering a lunch-time talk to a group of 200 professionals at a meeting of the Central Texas Chapter of the Association for Corporate Growth. This group has successful business professionals address their members each month, but this one speaker stood out because he was one with the audience. He flowed away from the front of the room walked around, looking into the eyes of the people. Everyone was captivated. While his message, words, gestures, eye contact, poise and style were all great, it was his movements that made him spectacular.
