星期二, 3月 30, 2010



釘十字架是一種殘酷的刑罰。滴血而亡之前受刑者必須背上自己的刑具--十字架,走一段桀途,受盡路人的灼灼目光,指指點點。這條苦路,你要它快些走完?還 是慢些走完?








星期一, 3月 29, 2010

Walker Books

Children books publisher Walker Books is celebrating her 30th anniversary. A shooting on the sky, echos the light being held by the walking belly belly bear.

I enjoy reading picture books a lot. Walker Books’ founder, Sebastian Walker, had a simple vision for the company: “All that counts,” he said, “is that a child says at the end of the book, ‘Again!’”

Exactly. Definition for nice stuffs is simple and straight-forward. Be it the food, be it the wine, be it the place, be it the people. When you feel like to have it again, the stuff is nice. And you should not need a checklist b4 of after your encounterment.

星期日, 3月 28, 2010

週五晚陪Wai Lim 及他 generation Y 的同事喝酒。二十出頭的女子向wai lim 敬酒之餘,嘟起咀仔飛了一個吻。我裝作

星期六, 3月 27, 2010

derek, desertfox, unkle4 and lee siu lung, I was talking about this

Getting Started with iPhone Web Apps

An iPhone web application—or iPhone web app—uses Web 2.0 technologies to deliver a focused solution that looks and behaves like a built-in iPhone application. iPhone web apps run in Safari on iPhone, the unique implementation of Safari that provides full-featured web browsing on iPhone OS–based devices and responds to touch-based gestures.

Start Here

To develop a great iPhone web app you need to:

  • Optimize your web content for Safari on iPhone

  • Design a user experience and user interface that follows Apple’s guidelines

Choose next how you want to get started—by reading about the basics, getting your hands on some code, or diving into specific technologies.

Want to get familiar with the fundamentals?

Prefer to learn by doing?

  • Web Application Tutorial walks you through using Dashcode to create a simple web application you can run in Safari on iPhone.

  • Simple Browser is a sample project you can use to find out how to develop a productivity style iPhone web app (the built-in iPhone Settings application is an example of this style).

  • CardFlip is a sample project you can use to find out how to implement the back-to-front flip most utility style iPhone web apps perform (the built-in iPhone Weather application is an example of this style).

Want to find out how Safari on iPhone supports the web technologies you use?

Go In Depth

Sometimes you need task-focused information or answers to specific questions to get started. Browse the popular tasks described below for a more targeted way to start development on your iPhone web app.

  • Use visual effects to add richness to your iPhone web app. Safari CSS Visual Effects Guide describes how to use CSS properties to implement stunning visual effects in your iPhone web app without resorting to static images, Flash, or Dynamic HTML.

  • Take advantage of the Multi-Touch interface to allow users to tap, flick, and drag content in your iPhone web app. “Handling Multi-Touch Events” in Safari Web Content Guide describes how to register for and respond to these multi-touch events; Safari DOM Extensions Reference documents the WebKit DOM extensions that support them.

  • Add links to built-in iPhone applications to make your iPhone web app feel more integrated with users’ devices. Apple URL Scheme Reference describes how to add links that open Phone, Maps, iTunes, and more.



星期四, 3月 25, 2010

Does blogspot support java script?


防曬面霜 VS 防曬乳液

其實之前也是 Biotherm 調色防曬面霜的用家,老家還有一支存貨。


星期一出席 Biotherm 的工作坊,看見了久違了的調色防曬面霜,包裝沒有多變,但把面霜一塗在手上,我便知道往日種種,有如東流河水。

新一代 Biotherm 調色防曬面霜質地輕盈了,細緻了。

When caring for the skin, body lotions and creams are usually a helpful addition. Body lotions and creams help keep the skin hydrated and help to attain the goal of perfectly soft skin.

However when deciding whether to use a lotion or a cream, it depends on the individual and how dry the skin is. Dry skin can turn to be a more severe skin disorder if not taken care of and body lotions and creams help the skin to stay soft and fight against dry skin. The severity of the skin and how dry it is, will determine whether a lotion or a cream or a combination is necessary.

Both body lotions and creams are excellent at hydrating the skin and keeping it looking healthy and younger. Both work to heal and prevent dry skin by infusing it with moisture. Both are absorbed by the body into the blood stream and so it is important to make sure that whatever is going on your skin can be safe and healthy for your body.

Lotions and creams can be found with natural ingredients as opposed to being chemically based. It is important to know the ingredients of either the body lotion or cream that is being used and make sure that none of the ingredients will cause an allergic reaction in the body.

Body creams are generally used for skin disorders such as psoriasis and eczema as it can be spread over a small area of skin and can be used without wasting as much. Creams are particularly useful when the product does not have to be taken off the skin immediately as it is easily absorbed by the skin.

Creams for the body tend to be a better moisturizer and are better tolerated by the skin. Most are non-greasy which works well with most skin types and helps the skin maintain moisture. Eye creams and anti aging creams are also preferred over lotions targeting the same thing.

Lotions are generally used over larger parts of the body and work well over parts which are covered by hair, such as the chest or arms. Body lotions are quickly absorbed by the body and provide a cooling effect and so are generally recommended for dry skin during the summer months.

Body lotion is also used when the case of dry skin is more on the mild side. Many lotions have chemicals that cause them to have a perfume odor; however, this type is not recommended for dry skin.

As for deciding which is better to use, it depends on the individual and at many times, what their preference is. It is possible to even need both; a light body lotion may be needed in the day whereas a heavier cream is needed at night. A combination of both a body lotion and cream is often recommended for extremely dry skin, in order to get the optimal benefits of both moisturizers.

星期三, 3月 24, 2010

BIOTHERM 基因透白調色底霜




基因透白調色底霜具美白、防護、調色三大功效。其All Light Fit™ 全光效果專利,加上珊瑚色澤,立即趕走倦怠之容,同時締造紅潤面頰,助我整個晚上看起來都精神抖擻。



星期二, 3月 23, 2010

W for walking

工作關係,我常常做public speaking,或主持,或分享,有時也會玩票地教教書。

Wai Lim 前公司也是跨國企業,午膳時間亦有 sharing sessions。 Wai Lim 說他在這些活動一定選擇中間座位;無他,開講後主持一定會請聚居後座的同事挪往沒有人坐的前排位置,位居中者如醒目的Wai Lim,卻可安安樂樂。

哈哈。洗咩咁麻煩,如果我做speaker,遇見這樣的情況,我一定行入受眾中間。邊個話speaker 一定要被限死在講壇上說法架?!

Thom Singer shares:

The best orators go beyond the stage. They walk into the crowd as they deliver their remarks. Oprah Winfrey is famous for this style of speaking while amongst the audience, and it is one of the reasons that people feel connected to her when she speaks.

The best non-professional speaker I have ever seen was a CEO delivering a lunch-time talk to a group of 200 professionals at a meeting of the Central Texas Chapter of the Association for Corporate Growth. This group has successful business professionals address their members each month, but this one speaker stood out because he was one with the audience. He flowed away from the front of the room walked around, looking into the eyes of the people. Everyone was captivated. While his message, words, gestures, eye contact, poise and style were all great, it was his movements that made him spectacular.

Public Speaking


Toyota and managing brand reputation

Toyota 出事後許多亞洲企業都兔死狐悲,想好好引以為鑒 。與 Wai Lim 討論,我說 Toyota 咁大檸樂,一沉百踩,人人喊打,皆因「樹大招風」。


Think outside the box

On her official website, Tangberg says: teams can easily collaborate with natural, life-like views of colleagues while sharing multimedia in high-definition clarity
Easy to use yet supported by the most advanced features and functions for mission-critical communication.

When I walked into the conference room I saw my audience, the senior managers, and two huge Tangberg consoles. I got the cable plug-in and switched on my notebook... but my ppt did not appear on the screens. It seemed that the projector was out of service. Only the video conferencing function was working.

My audience was so forgiving that they did not show any impatience. Quite the opposite, managers started discussing for a solution. Then one of them came up with a brilliant idea, "Hey 70/F, I saw the video cam is working. Why don't you focus the cam with the screen of your PC and get the camera zoom in? I think that is an alternative way to make your ppt appear on the TVs."

So I fine tuned the focus and got the cam eye zoom in and eventually, we made it happen.

Everybody clapped and concluded "This is a vivid demo of THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX!" Yeah, outside the Tangberg box.


星期一, 3月 22, 2010








星期四, 3月 18, 2010


Miss Sheep 這篇文章寫得棒極了,經歷亦發人深省。

Miss Sheep 提到跟男朋友分享一盒飯,湊巧 Wai Lim 昨晚跟我討論先敬羅衣後敬人的問題,我很有感而發。


一如既往,星期天我都與Wai Lim一起過。中區消費高,兩頓飯一埸戲,再去商埸買點什麼,一天便花掉一千多元。


思考時才發現經濟獨立 empower 我追尋愛情。讓情感淨化,從物欲中昇華,實情可能是「為與不為」的問題;「能與不能」卻是前提。



比如說以前我走過香奈兒會叫他送手袋......其實我唔等 2.55 ...... 我已經有太多。我只是想你吻我然後說「哦好呀」。



星期六, 3月 13, 2010







五天工作,一天work from home。在辦公室我堅持做自己相信的事,工餘時間我亦堅持過自己想要過的生活。


這「貴族」二字讓我想起法國大革命的貴族,而對我來說,nobility 是一種無論客觀環境順逆,都追求質感生活的人生態度。Melanie recaps:

...life carried on almost as normal with a court of sorts being formed at the Tuileries. In some ways the change of pace was good for the family as they saw more of each other and had more time to themselves, although guards were ever present. Finally and ironically, Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette and Élisabeth had the low key, simple family life that they had always craved.

Marie Antoinette and Élisabeth spent many hours together, working at embroidery, reading and chatting about life just as they had always done. Touchingly, Élisabeth kept up with the news about Montreuil, where work carried on just as it had always done.

In private, Élisabeth enjoyed reading, having had over one hundred books sent to the Pavilion de Flore from her personal library. Her books included ‘the works of Cicero, Seneca, Horace and Plutarch. Treatise on Friendship by M. de Sacy. Gibbon’s ‘Decline and Fall’. Sacy’s Bible in 31 volumes. St Augustine’s ‘Confessions’. The bishop of Saint-Malo on the Holy Angels. Treatise on True and Solid Piety by St François de Sales. Fénélon on the Existence of God. Fénélon on the Education of Girls. The Spirit of St Teresa, culled from her writings. Mascaron’s funeral sermons. Mezenguy’s Lives of the Saints…’

She loved walking in all weathers in the still beautiful Tuileries gardens, as well as playing draughts with her niece and nephew and billiards with her brother, the King. Another favourite pastime was painting, which she did while seated at a window overlooking the Seine, writing to her friend, the Marquise de Bombelles: ‘This amuses, occupies and distracts me, and I assure you that one needs all that.’ Rather sadly, she was most fond of painting nature scenes, which must have reminded her of all that she was now missing.

However, life was not entirely untroubled. The royal family were troubled with the insults and impudent behaviour of not just the common people but also their own guards. Comte Ferrand wrote about Élisabeth that: ‘Nearly every afternoon, during her stay at the Tuileries, she went to the chapel. To get there she had to cross the guard rooms. Their remarks, their jokes, their sarcasms, often interspersed with impudence and impiety, did not stop her. Their spite increased when they saw she was indifferent to their derision; but their audacity was forced to lower its eyes before her. She seemed to vanquish them, less by the pride of her glance than by the influence of her virtue.’

星期三, 3月 10, 2010






我喝了 Fancl Deluxe TENSE UP 一個多月,人生路上我又跑多一個多月,感覺良好。在這忽冷忽熱的人間三月天,我的皮膚狀態大勇,水潤富光澤。Wai Lim 說:「車,可能全是因為愛情的滋潤呢。」我不置可否,self-fulfilling prophecy 這回事是有的,而且女人從來是感覺的動物。各位女士,試飲 TENSE UP /試試跟那個你新認識的男人約會,給你自己一個機會去試試是否 fulfilling。Meanwhile,cost 都係有限數啫,係咪?



無異wai lim 的鬍鬚令他更有男子氣概,不過,實在刮得我痕得要命。




又不過,happy ,就好了。


星期一, 3月 08, 2010

Castle Decor

Candies of shoes were placed at the sitting room to attract those funny creatures.

But then when creatures came they discovered that the ceiling is being covered in the clouds of lights.

They were scared and they escaped to the bathroom to seek their shelter.


星期五跟wai lim吃意大利菜。飯後去喝了一杯才回家。在沙發上接吻時我嗅到一陣蒜味。可能是餐前麵包的緣故罷。他吃了而我沒有。

