21 vs 6 the standard. Queen Mary I am going to land on you beautifully all the way with a handful of questions. I am always a fighter in front of authority.
Friends, it's really important to observe your body. I am too narcissistic to give up any chance to seduce a mirror whenever I drop by. And I look in the mirror so many times in a day for a full or head reflection. I knew I have been losing weight gradually far before I finally managed to take a measurement.
Losing weight out of a sudden is truly a substantial signal of something wrong is right there happening in your body.
Meanwhile we should surrender to the fact that toxic events in life not only do bad on emotions, but also on body physically. Run away from the persons the occasions the environment if any of them hurt you. Otherwise you will be hurt, psychologically and physically. I meant it. I have started losing weight since the "Chinese NY Home Incident". I was hurt. Damaged. Cracked. Torn.
My family doctor told me that it might be a short circuit of my system and it is just a single event. As I look good and genki, it's chance slim that I am really falling ill. Okay I agree with him. I hope this is the worst news all in all.
Last but not the least, I obtained a Grade A in English when I sat for the HKCEE. 👈 關咩事?