星期六, 7月 02, 2011



方才又經過 soho 那塊大一大的 ascension 的廣告牌,我指給他看並告訴他我也曾在美國西岸參與 acesnsion 這個團體的活動。但我卻感到無味及無聊。因為我從小就是天主教徒,這些靈修冥想的事情對我來說由來已久。


祈禱的方法有很多種,泰澤祈禱為其中之一。維基百科提到泰澤「產生了一種獨特風格的崇拜音樂,表現出團體好沉思冥想的性質。泰澤音樂強調簡單句子,經常是聖經詩篇中句子或其他聖經片段,歌唱是重複吟唱,有時更會用卡農表達。此種『重複』是預期去幫助人們冥想祈禱[1] 大部份泰澤音樂是由Jacques Berthier構想及創作。」

如過你有聽過或看過 Boléro,你該可以想像泰澤音樂。 泰澤音樂就像 Boléro 的音樂和舞蹈,是一個單純調子,但透過越來越多越來越急速的節拍/舞步,表演的張力便越見強大,就像一個漩渦,不斷在擴展和吸取。

1. Jesus Your Light
Jesus your light, is shining within us.
Let not my doubt and my darkness speak to me.
Jesus your light, is shining within us.
Let my heart always welcome your love.

2. You Are My Hiding Place
You are my hiding place
You always fill my heart
With songs of deliverance
Whenever I am afraid
I will trust in You

I will trust in You
Let the weak say
I am strong
In the strength of the Lord
You are my hiding place
You always fill my heart
With songs of deliverance
Whenever I am afraid
I will trust in You

I will trust in You
Let the weak say I am strong
In the strength of the Lord
I will trust in You
From: http://www.musicbabylon.com

3. Father I Adore You
Father I adore you
Lay my life before you
How I love you

Jesus I adore you
Lay my life before you
How I love you

Spirit I adore you
Lay my life before you
How I love you
