但其實,我並不是秘書,不過由於性格及外型關係,我常常兼任做一些秘書,或者是 personal assistant 的工作。
會議的議題令人會心微笑。比如:“Do you know that you are interrupted in your work for as much as 15 times an hour?And half of your working time is spent on tasks you cannot plan? Everybody knows that time is money And yet, most companies have serious worries about the money wasted, while most of the time wasted goes unnoticed. The reason for this is also the reason why you have to invest in Time Management Skills NOW!“
又或者:“Your boss has just assigned you to organise your annual regional management meeting, where your boss' boss will be the VIP, and there will be 1,000 people attending. What would you do? Before you hit the panic button, you may just want to start with the basics. Having a clear understanding of the event objectives, breaking down the project into manageable steps and working out your budget will be some of those easy-to-do things that will help you organise events like a pro.“
此外:“Most people don't really think about how they approach conflict. It just happens. When conflicts arise we tend to play out our roles like scripts based on our behavioral and conflict styles. Effective conflict management can only be achieved when an individual begins to really see how her or his conflict style is actually self-destructive.Find out how you can diffuse conflicts at work, and make your work a lot more enjoyable.“
還有 “how to get things done without formal authorisation“ ... 等。
Wai Lim 也把我當他的秘書。Wai Lim 會把他的約會行程都告訴我,我便幫他入把資料輸入system。到時到侯,system 便會發手機短訊給 Wai Lim,提醒他有約。
Wai Lim 要寫私人email,會把background 及key points 告訴我,然後叫我草擬。Wai Lim 要做ppt,也會找我...... 明天路過銀行,可能也順便幫他做妥開戶口手續,令他的日常生活更便利。
70th the secretary, anytime, anywhere.