星期三, 12月 31, 2014
星期六, 12月 27, 2014
星期一, 12月 22, 2014
原曲:《越難越愛》(無線劇集《使徒行者》片尾曲),吳若希 作曲:徐洛鏘 改詞:妁小汀、Tommy Shek
facebook專頁: 膠登音樂台 -https://www.facebook.com/GaldenmusicHK 花膠那 -https://www.facebook.com/flowercgalden TC_ (Tommy Shek) -https://www.facebook.com/TC.Production.HK
雨傘下佔領抗爭盛怒熱似火 不褪落
這政制經已失知覺 普選無望
最錯是議決協商望著這政府 商討側側膊
無勇氣在原路自轉 從無期望
嚇退我已用多種方法 全城胡椒 亂噴是錯
中央知道 被連累佔領太失望
同學寄望變改 林鄭未能盛載
CY謊話最好講少句 願期待戰勝了傷害
無懼噴霧似海 抗爭加以大愛
魄力注滿了氣慨 跟惡警比賽
讓我 學會抱緊撐到未來 讓特首放開
最錯是議決協商望著這政府 商討側側膊
騙了也要再騙並沒曙光 以誘票去換篩選資格
完全無稽 不要再想
只需知道 極權讓你我倍失望
人大永沒變改 提名未能盛載
狗官謊話最好講少句 願期待戰勝了傷害
無懼議論似海 彈劾後無大概
縱是我滿肚憤慨 跟政府比賽
掘頭路沒法開 隨即開火 在面對多少意外
每日變改 政府極難自愛 用抹黑去撕裂愛
中央出術要變招封殺 極其量蓋過了傷害
無懼政治抹黑 抗爭中存大愛
抗命也要有氣慨 這佔鐘比賽 命途沒法割開
齊抗篩選 我不想再放開
<真的毆你> 溫柔地唱熱烈地唱
星期日, 12月 21, 2014
女仔 nightout 宜來杯 NOHO 打底
榮獲國際SIP Award金獎2014的NOHO於美國盛行多年,專為愛美酒、愛享受生活的都市人而設,飲用NOHO有效幫助保護身體免受酒精不良影響,讓你不用擔心宿醉影響隔天緊密的行程或工作,從今以後,你可以盡情享受美酒,無懼宿醉的威脅!
很多人以為宿醉是由脫水引起,但實際情況其實複雜得多。當身體出現宿醉情況,所缺的不單是水, 還有維他命、礦物質、其他養份和抗氧成份。一般而言,人體每攝入一杯酒精飲料,便需要一小時分 解當中酒精。然而大部份人喝酒的速度都遠較身體能分解的速度快,令身體超出負荷,忙於分解已經 吸收的酒精,引致酒精性代謝酮酸中毒 (AKA)。宿醉最常見的徵狀包括頭痛、噁心、怕光、怕吵、精神不振和喉乾舌燥等,通常酒醒之後就會一一湧現,情況甚至可以持續數天。許多人為解宿醉,不惜服用布洛芬和乙酰氨基酚等危險藥物。事實上醫生警告過,這些藥物不適合在酒後或與酒精一同服用。
NOHO GOLD由美國一位權威藥劑學博士 Dr. Galardi精心研發的健康成份飲品。NOHO有效舒緩酒醉後第二天最常見的徵狀包括頭痛、噁心、精神不振和喉乾舌燥,解除酒後不適,既非能量飲品,亦非提神飲料。當中不含糖份 (60 毫升裝)、咖啡因或任何其他提神物質,而是以獨特的營養補充配方保護身體機能。成份中的姜根精華溫和呵護胃部及消化系統;源於沙漠仙人掌的仙人掌果精華則有助補充身體水份,促進肝臟排毒。
星期六, 12月 20, 2014
Loneliness and lovelies
I think this loneliness will carry on for a while. I am not going to bother my friends as I was used to do and I am not going to ping a stranger as I was used to do.
Being is lonely and man is lonely by brith, a lyric found in one of the hymns of I learnt at secondary school.
Thanks God I am still in love with myself. I love both the insider and outside of myself. I am so loving my loveliness being that I am not afraid to be turned inside-out. Just as now I am disclosing my loneliness to you so inside-out.
On this night with a thousand sighs, let me revisit my philosophy teacher: the book "Sophie's World".
星期五, 12月 19, 2014
Carrera y Carrera 再啟金色夢想
Carrera y Carrera (澳門)
地址:澳門外港新填海區孫逸仙大馬路 澳門美高梅酒店地下6號舖
星期四, 12月 04, 2014
On Sin and Crime
星期一, 11月 24, 2014
《流落巴黎的一個中國女子》 作者:黃碧雲
星期五, 11月 14, 2014
わたしたちの香港はどんどん なくなる
<a href="http://vimeo.com/107328441"><img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjxP20VyGdswUrHjAukxIUEra8AsorxlDGhblkEuxnqlV-n3B-eII1HHjJGQqjYQLRntqNVfRRoRL7Ti177hGTKmh2m73SID797jHdcc-UamCKd9RgGYJGgLVKLhNrrMin2Ww-R/s640/blogger-image--1339319939.jpg"></a>
![]() |
星期一, 11月 03, 2014
Chanel Little Jacket
諗住經van cleep 落地面,誰知旁邊的香奈兒員工竟為我開了門。入了店來,少下免被推銷一番,穿上香奈兒的小外套,一件泥黃一件七彩,臉容頓時光亮起來,和我本身就穿著的貼身小黑裙又配合得非常天衣無縫。什麼時候我的社會/工作地位襯得起香奈兒呢?唉,好在店內現貨都沒有我的碼數34號。
星期一, 10月 27, 2014
Tell The World Of His Love
For God so loved the world
He gave us His only Son
Jesus Christ our Savior
His most precious one
He has sent us His message of love
And sends those who hear
To bring the message to everyone
In a voice loud and clear
Let us tell the world of His love
The greatest love the world has known
Search the world for those who have walked
Astray and lead them home
Fill the world's darkest corners
With His light from up above
Walk every step, Every mile, Every road
And tell the world, Tell the world of His love
(Tell the world of His love)
(Tell the world of His love)
Our Lord our savior our king
Emmanuelle prince of peace
Begotten of the Father's love
Born to set us free
Let heaven and earth sing His praises
His righteousness proclaim
Let every heart rejoice in His love
And magnify His name
Let us tell the world of His love
The greatest love the world has known
Search the world for those who have walked
Astray and lead them home
Fill the world's darkest corners
With His light from up above
Walk every step, Every mile, Every road
And tell the world, Tell the world of His love
(Tell the world of His love)
Let us tell the world of His love
The greatest love the world has known
Search the world for those who have walked
Astray and lead them home
Fill the world's darkest corners
With His light from up above
Walk every step, Every mile, Every road
And tell the world, Tell the world of His love
(Tell the world of His love)
Tell the world of His love
星期一, 10月 20, 2014
Here I am Lord with lyrics
I, the Lord of sea and sky
I have heard my people cry
All who dwell in dark and sin
My hand will save:
I who made the stars and night
I will make the darkness bright
Who will bear my light to them?
Whom shall I send?
Here I am Lord
Is it I Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night
I will go Lord
If you lead me
I will hold your people in my heart
I the Lord of snow and rain,
I have borne my people's pain,
They turn away...
I will break their hearts of stone
Fill their hearts with love alone
I will speak my word to them
Whom shall I send?
Here I am Lord
Is it I Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night
I will go Lord
If you lead me
I will hold your people in my heart
I, the Lord of wind and flame
I will tend the poor and lame
I will set a feast for them
My hand will save:
Finest bread I will provide
Till their hearts be satisfied
I will give my life to them
Whom shall I send?
Whom shall I send?
Here I am Lord
Is it I Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night
I will go Lord
If you lead me
I will hold your people in my heart
星期一, 10月 13, 2014
Father I Adore You - A Peaceful Praise and Worship HD
Lay my life before You
How I love You
Lay my life before You
How I love You
Lay my life before You
How I love You
More lyrics http://www.allthelyrics.com/lyrics/worship_together/father_i_adore_you-lyrics-1205950.html#ixzz3AliKymu6
星期一, 10月 06, 2014
星期日, 10月 05, 2014
但是人生 到了這一晚
但是誰想 要看穿荒誕
一起儘管不安卻不孤單 對嗎
一起舉傘 舉起手撐
一起為應得的放膽爭取 怕嗎
任暴雨下 志向未倒下
若是人生 錯過這一晚
"Those feet are tiny, but they are mine."
It is October the 2nd in 2014, I walked my talk with my honourable citizens from Central to Admiralty, which being the CBD of our city.
The feeling of walking on a major road of the city without any traffic is remarkable and good.
The horizon in front of you is wide. The air is clean. Your path is crystal clear. The darkness covers the city will turn into drops of the golden sun in less than six hours .
Yes, oh yes. This is your road, this is my road, this is our road. T-h-i-s is the r-o-a-d of Hong Kong.
We are walking on foot but we are walking not at anyone's feet. Over the past few days, tens of thousands of people of Hong Kong from all walks of live walked away from their routine to get foot in the door for democracy and universal suffrage.
It is deliberate to use vocabularies about feet and walk repeatedly on this piece of write-up .
Those feet are tiny, but they are mine.
[photo caption]
1. My tiny feet (My bitchy friends: fuxk! you go protest in a pair of Ferragamo kitten heels?!)
2. Beautiful Central
3. [This is my unqualified "監粗lia" English adaptation of the poem shown on the banner. It's from the family of Contemporary Chinese Literature] [歡迎翻譯賜教]
The night gifted my eyes with the colour of black.
Nevertheless, the blacked out eyes are what I depend on to quest for light.
4. This is a temporary short ladder to allow people to step up and across the middle of the road. Written on one of the stepping "stone" is an invitation to "STEP ON" CY Leung.
5. Cup noodle pyramid
6. Sharing of bottled water
7. Students say that rest assured they want to return to campus.
8. Mind the left wing...
9. Me and my outfit (Sonia you protest with a low-cut dress?) (咁去飲吖嗎。It is a banquet, isn't?)
((((( correct my grammar or spelling if I am wrong, please )))))