星期四, 8月 30, 2012








星期日, 8月 26, 2012






喂做好業績是叫你做好生意呀!保險和資產管理藤繞瓜瓜繞藤,無左保險㸃提供完整的資產管理服務呢?仲話cross selling,冇啦冇啦。

回想電車們要搞幾耐先令旅遊保險可以在ATM隨手買到,又回想非人力資源部門俾幾多心機先整合INAH,我想講Stupid Goose-liver真係早抖啦唔該。


  1. 他的條件可在他人身上找到,他卻是獨一無二的。
  2. 他是獨一無二的,又不等如她一定會專一無異心喎,因為每個「他」亦是獨一無二的。
  3. 條件又可分為「必要條件」和「充分條件」。
  4. 對我來說,在愛情上可以列出來的條件極其量只是一些 「充分條件」,即是說我不否認我認知以外的條件。
  5. 嘿。

星期四, 8月 23, 2012

智能大廈裡啜飲一杯 Mocha

我喜歡我的新工作。由零開始。My boss told me"you have to work with ambiguity."



星期二, 8月 21, 2012

The Body in the Library and The Jackie O in the Tribunal

We were watching on the TV how Jackie O was accused of murder and finally found guilty at the tribunal. I opined that the Jackie O showed up at the tribunal was a fake one. My boyfriend burst out laughing. He wrapped me with his strong arms and whispered "Sweet heart, you are way too creative."

I am not creative. I am just educated by Agatha Christie over her novel "The Body in the Library". A swap of identity is a common trick.

Plot summary

The story starts with Mrs Dolly Bantry waking up from a pleasant dream, and noticing that the maid has not been in yet. Suddenly, the maid, Mary, dashes in, tearful and breathless, and informs Dolly that there is a body in the library, before running out again.

Colonel Arthur Bantry then goes downstairs and learns from his butler, Lorrimer, that there is indeed a body in the library, sees it, calls PoliceConstable Billy Palk, and then Mrs Bantry calls her friend, Miss Marple (revealing that the victim has been strangled).

Miss Marple is picked up by Mrs Bantry and her chauffeur, Muswell, and taken to Gossington Hall. There she sees the body. It is a very young girl withplatinum blonde hair, with lipstick and painted nails like a gash, wearing a old but glittery, satin, cheap, black and white evening dress of rather poor quality, with silver sandals. The girl is also wearing a considerable amount of make-up. Soon, the police arrive, the senior officers being DetectiveInspector Slack and the Chief Constable of the County, Colonel. Terence Melchett. Nobody in the household recognises the body, though.

Miss Marple states to Mrs Bantry, that a good suspect in the Bantry's neighbour, Basil Blake, the son of an old school friend of Mrs Bantry's, who is mutually disliked intensely by Colonel Bantry. Basil is well known for dating a young platinum blonde girl, called Dinah Lee. Colonel Melchett visits Basil, but soon discovers that Dinah is not dead, as she comes and argues with Basil.

The autopsy arrives, revealing that the girl was strangled with the belt of her own dress, and that death took place between 10:00 and 12:00 at nighttime. She was also heavily drugged first. Despite her appearance, she died a virgin.

Finally, the body is identified as "Ruby Keene" (her real name being "Rosy Legge"), an 18 year old dancer who worked at a hotel called the Majestic in Danemouth. The body is identified by Ruby's great-cousin and colleague Josephine "Josie" Turner, who explains that she is dance and bridge hostess at the Majestic, but required Ruby to fill in a as dance hostess, due to Josie suffering injuries sustained to her ankle, whilst sunbathing. Ruby would just do the dancing with men, and the exhibition dances with Raymond Starr, the tennis and dancing pro. But the previous night, Ruby went missing, and Josie was forced to do the dance.

After Josie has visited Gossington, Mrs Bantry realises that the one who called the police was Conway Jefferson, an old friend of the Bantry's. Conway had a wife, a son, and a daughter (Margaret, Frank and Rosamund) all of whom were killed in a plane crash. Conway had both legs so badly injured, they were amputated. He lives with Frank's widow, Adelaide, Rosamund's widower, Mark Gaskell, and Peter Carmody, Adelaide's son from her first marriage. And then there is Edwards, Conway's valet. Mrs Bantry then decides that she and Miss Marple will go to Danemouth, stay at the Majestic, and find the killer.

Meanwhile, Melchett has appointed a new assistant, Detective Superintendent Harper. Together they interview Conway and discover that he was going to adopt Ruby, disinherit Mark and Adelaide, and settle £50,000 on her. Despite this, Mark and Adelaide both have alibis. They were playing bridge watching Ruby dancing.

Melchett and Harper interview George Bartlett, who was the last one to see Ruby alive, and who has had his car stolen.

Conway, now tired, orders Edwards to call Sir Henry Clithering. When Sir Henry arrives, Conway asks him to investigate. Sir Henry tells him about Miss Marple. Later after dining, Miss Marple tells Sir Henry that if the case is not solved, the Bantry's lives will be ruined forever.

The police suspect that Ruby went to change to meet a boyfriend, who found out about her and Conway, making him panic and strangle her, leaving her at the Gossington library, and drives away to London. Sir Henry interviews Edwards, who tells him that he saw a snapshot of Basil Blake fall out of Ruby's handbag, making Conway and the reader suspect that Ruby had a lover.

Then, Bartlett's Minoan 14 car is found burning in Venn's Quarry, with a charred and blackened corpse inside. With a few scraps of clothing surviving burning, it is identified as Pamela Reeves, a 16 year old Girl Guide reported missing a few days. Pamela was last seen going to Wallworths. Miss Marple interviews Pamela's friends, and discovers that Pamela was actually going to a hotel, for a film test, after being approached by a "film producer", but Pamela never returned from this appointment.

Miss Marple then goes to Basil Blake's house and informs Dinah Lee that she has discovered that she and Basil are married and that Basil will be arrested for killing Ruby. Basil returns and confesses that after getting drunk and fighting with Dinah at a studio party, he returned and found Ruby lying strangled to death on "his" hearthrug. Panicking, he dumped Ruby in the Bantry's library. The police arrive and Basil is arrested.

Miss Marple, Sir Henry and the Bantrys once again book into the Majestic (they had briefly left), but this time with Colonel Bantry, Melchett and Harper. Miss Marple makes a quick trip toSomerset House (something about marriages) and ask Conway to tell Mark and Adelaide that he is leaving the money to a hostel for young dancers in London, and that he will visit a solicitor to finalize the details tomorrow. Conway does so, and they ask Det. Supt. Harper to keep a watch on people, with his men. Then the Bantrys and Miss Marple (along with the staff and other guests) retire for the night.

At 3:00 in the morning, someone breaks into Conway's bedroom, via the window and balcony, and tries to murder Conway by injecting him with poison, through a needle, but the attacker is stopped by Melchett, Harper and Clithering. But the intruder is not named.

Miss Marple then reveals all to the Bantrys, the Blakes, Melchett, Harper, Clithering, and the Jeffersons. Although nail clippings were found in Ruby's room, the girl in the library had bitten hers, which meant that the body in the library was not Ruby's. When Dinah mentioned Somerset House-marriage, Miss Marple found out that Mark was married to Josie. Upon finding out about Conway and Ruby, they decided to murder her and frame Basil. Mark and Josie approached Pamela regarding a film test, and when she accepted, they bleached her hair, put make-up on her, varnished her nails, put her into one of Ruby's dresses, and drugged her. Mark then slipped away to write letters, and drove down to the sea-front. But that was when he drove Pamela to Basil Blake's house, and strangled her. So when the doctor said the time she died, Mark and Josie had solid alibis, they were playing bridge watching the real Ruby Keene alive and dancing, and they did not leave the table until after midnight. Josie told Ruby to go and lie down in Josie's room. Ruby, as well, had been drugged. When changing for the dance, Josie murdered Ruby, either by strangulation, a poisonous injection, or a blow on the back of her head. In the early hours of the morning, Josie dressed Ruby in Pamela's Girl Guide uniform, stole Bartlett's car, drove to Venn's Quarry, and incinerated the lot.

星期日, 8月 19, 2012


  1. 我不是電車,但在這電車的年代,我們怎可以對電車一無所知呢?
  2. 冧路軌好,家下唔冧唔通等首航時先冧咩。我家電車男說:「你咪當UAT囉!」
  3. 冧路軌之後,我一介白丁,都少少先知先覺知係街軌問題,但我又唔明,典解唔係即刻冧呢?
  4. 原來有UPS。專業人士同我講術語,一輪嘴,好在我曾經在電車廠工作,明晒。為俾專業人士知道我係嚇大的,我撲克面孔冷冷地問:「咁幾分鐘呢?」「一個鐘架都有。」「咁勁?遲啲full capacity 都一個鐘丫?」「十五分鐘囉...」
  5. 有UPS我都唔係好安樂。頭先終於俾我諗到我攪咩唔安樂。就算有UPS,冧之前係米應該整個嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟出黎先呢?
  6. 本文重點不是探討UPS而是某晚我家電車叉論住我話我整鬼你乜你冇睇過銀河鐵路999架咩?」。咁我上網睇下咦喂,『銀河鐵路999』,1978/9年播個喎齣野


中學時明愛 n 週年紀念,搞了個口號創作比賽。我自己有沒有參賽不記得,倒記得後來知道冠軍作品是「明愛服務,施受同惠。」時的感想。我當時想:『這個人的中文真的無得頂,言簡意閡,並將「施比受更為有福」的理念提升到更高的層次。』






星期六, 8月 18, 2012








星期三, 8月 15, 2012

星期日, 8月 12, 2012

New tenant who is very "classy"

I think my tenant deserves this sleeping bag and I am very much looking forward to the development of the leasing matter because I never met any man with an Investment Banking background with the same degree of "decency". Apparently this is another chapter of exposure for me.


I must reinforce my position though I have verbally expressed it crystal clear today when we met. Please be reminded that:

1) HKDXXk monthly rent is far below market rate on Midlevels or any apartment of similar class at XX. I hope you will appreciate the deal and be faithful

2) I am a righteous person and I will fulfill terms outlined on the tenancy agreement. Any requests otherwise will not be entertained

3) On the tenancy agreement it is stated that "two chests". I understood one is for shoes while another is for clothing. I didn't promise anything other than that. "Lamp" is absolutely out of the list

4) I will make no further arrangement until deposit is secured as stated on the tenancy agreement

5) As stated on the tenancy agreement, any communications should be done in black and white and posted to me

Please note that any kind of business relationship is based on mutual benefits and reciprocal respect.

Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2012 18:57:01 +0800
Subject: Furniture list

Hi X

I choose the below:

Shoe Cabinet - HKD 1490


Chest - HKD 1190


Desk with drawers - HKD 750 + 699 = 1449


Floor Lamp - HKD 230


Total = HKD 4,359


星期六, 8月 11, 2012

Husbands are as affectionate as wives, study finds

By Nick Collins, Science Correspondent of Last Updated: 6:01PM BST 10/08/2012
Wives show their love for their partner by nagging less while husbands' idea of being affectionate is to do the washing-up or offer to have sex, a study has found.

Books like Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus suggest women are naturally more romantic creatures, but researchers claim husbands and wives simply express their feelings in different ways.

While women show love by suppressing negative thoughts and feelings, men reciprocate in kind by spending more time on shared activities, whether in the kitchen or in the bedroom.

In fact men use a greater range of behaviours to be affectionate than women do, proving that they are just as affectionate – albeit less traditionally romantic – than their spouses, according to the study.

The team, from the University of Texas, questioned 168 couples at four points in their marriage: two months after their wedding, on their first and second anniversaries, and again 13 years later.

To analyse the nature of their relationships the team interviewed each person about how close and attached they felt to their partners, as well as asking a series of questions about each other's behaviour over the past 24 hours.

They found that wives "seem to show love by tending to the emotional climate of their marriages" while husbands' love "appears to create an environment that draws spouses together in activity".

Women who were more in love with their husbands were less likely to nag their husbands, as well as offering them hugs and kisses.

Suppressing negative thoughts and feelings for the good of their relationship suggests that wives are more focused on fostering a healthy emotional relationship, researchers said.

In contrast, husbands' displays of affection were related to spending more time in shared activities with their spouse, for example by helping out with household chores or taking up shared hobbies.

Men who were more in love were also more likely to try to initiate sex with their wives, supporting the idea that sex is "an important channel through which men express loving feelings", the academics suggested.

Loving wives, on the other hand, were less likely to try to have sex, possibly because allowing their husbands to take a leading role was another sign of their accommodating behaviour.

This could be the result of evolution, which programmed women to try to secure an emotional investment from men in their family, and encouraged men to invest time in their partners to prove themselves as good providers, the researchers added.

Writing in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, they said: "Contrary to the notion that women are more inclined than men to show love through affection, husbands were just as likely as wives to express their love by engaging in warm, intimate behaviours.

"Moreover, contrary to the popular notion that wives' ability to love outshines that of men, it appears that husbands may actually use a wider range of behaviours to show their love than wives.

"To shamelessly abuse the metaphor, we did not find men in a Martian cave nor women in a Venusian garden, but rather in separate neighbourhoods of the same town."

🌇 週遊列大廈









星期五, 8月 10, 2012

BERNAS | Charity Support for Orphanages

倘 Google 員工不幸身故,公司會在未來的十年。。。。。。

Google 出名對員工好。恨死隔離的免費食物、健身班、洗衣洗車服務等等講到天光都講唔晒。

根據 Mashable 轉述,Google 最近推出了保險措施,若員工不幸身故,公司會在未來十年給予員工配偶或夥伴身故員工原薪酬的50%作為支援。 


星期四, 8月 09, 2012

Update: Reader Survey



(你做咩搞咩問卷呀?Well,我以前做global staff engagement survey 的,所以有鋪咁既癮。私隱資料我會很小心處理,你知啦,我做過HR架嘛。)

星期一, 8月 06, 2012


  1. 租金相宜 (HKD 14k 可以有三房)
  2. 寧靜遠離煩囂
  3. 境色宜人(雙橋海景)
  4. Dog-friendly
  5. 物業在五年內升值潛力高,因為國際學校哈羅即將進駐及港鐵有望開通深井路段。
  1. 如果屯門工路有咩事,咁,就,嘿!
  2. 好曬
  3. 同時又好濕喎
  4. 飛機及船隻嘈音幾惡頂


深井(Sham Tseng)位於香港新界荃灣的西北部,位置為汀九以西,青龍頭以東,以深井村為中心。而深井出產的燒鵝,也在香港相當馳名,除了燒鵝,深井也有多間不同種類的食肆在此設店,來自各國的美食進駐,包括中、西、意、印度等地的菜式,店鋪食肆超過十五間,所以深井有美食中心之稱。



Commericals from Worldwide NGOs with a Good Angle- Helping Neglected Children in Israel.

星期日, 8月 05, 2012

Bathers With Crab by Renoir



星期六, 8月 04, 2012




  1. 大紅玫瑰雪紡長裙 (購自淘寶,貨價一百港元之內。)
  2. Louis Vuitton Vernis Spring Street Kelly Bag in Pale Pink (購入多年,近期至愛。)
  3. Ferragamo Ruby Red High Heel Slippers (舒服輕身。)

星期五, 8月 03, 2012

Catch me if you can... browers and OS

This is the traffic statistics about my blog last month counting by types of browers and OS. I have never heard about some of the browers and OS, which should be some emerging technologies.

Are you the one using any one of them? Why and how are their performances?

I would love to hear the comments from you.

Cheers and have a nice weekend.

星期四, 8月 02, 2012

Blogging to make a living

From a cup of jo

Joanna of NYC talks about her story on blogging- how blogging as a hobby finally turned into a career.

When did your blog start making money?
As I said here, shifting from blogging-as-a-hobby to blogging-as-a-career was a very slow transition and one that I had never anticipated. After a year or so, I started featuring a few ads on my blog to earn some pocket money. And after a couple years, I quit my job to focus on freelance magazine writing and grow my blog, so it became about half my income. But only about a year ago did I finally realize that my blog had officially become my full-time job—both financially and time-wise. And I was happy and surprised. (Also here's my work/life balance post, if you'd like to know more.)

What are your favorite parts of blogging?
* Having a close relationship with my beloved readers. Starting the Motherhood Mondays column took the relationship to a new level, because we started discussing marriage, breastfeeding, depression, infertility, everything. Having these conversations has been an incredible, eye-opening, heartwarming experience.

* I LOVE LOVE LOVE when readers stop us in the street because it's so awesome to meet readers in person. Blogging can feel isolated sometimes, since you work on a laptop at home, so it's amazing to meet people. (And everyone is always so nice and cute!:)

* Writing about a bunch of different topics. If we do a bedroom makeover or I read a fascinating parenting book or I'm itching to write a guide to NYC, I can just do it. That's great, since when you work for a magazine, your "beat" tends to be much more limited. And the great thing is, if I start feeling in a rut, I can just shake things up. It's a real gift to have editorial control.

* Working with photographers, designers and illustrators. Now and again, I've worked with super talented people, like Jamie Beck, Jenny Komenda and Gemma Correll. It's been such a pleasure and honor. I'd love to do more collaborations in the future.

* Alex being awesome. Alex helps a lot with my blog, not so much in the nitty gritty, but just overarching conversations about ideas, worries, etc. He jokes that I'm the CEO, but he's the chief strategist, director of communications, personal chef, mailroom guy, and psychotherapist for Cup of Jo. :) And he's written a couple posts, including 8 confessions of a new dad and his side of the birth story.