星期三, 11月 02, 2016

Emotional Baggage

Almost 60% of the occupants here are coming from the West. Beautifully standing among my neighbour being this Ms. LL the blonde. We do not ask about the personal particulars but I am of an impression that she comes all the way from Australia and is working as a tennis coach. 

I seldom lie and I am always telling the truth when someone cares about it. So when she asked about my weight losing I told her the truth. Then it came the difference of a Westerner and an Asian. Ms. LL tried to suppress her surprise and gave me a hug and asked if I have had support. If there was/ will be anyone go with me at the forthcoming medical occasions. 

I was educated the moment I was given a hug. Usually I am too self-centric on my own emotions and subsequently my emotions become a baggage of the person whom I was talking with whom he/she was actually the centre of the dialogue.

Now I want a scoop of chocolate ice-cream.
