星期四, 5月 31, 2012



Cashflow and Asset

It is as important as

Crying in the day and smiling at the dawn

Frustration continued. Tears took a race on my face when it was sunset time. That's my way let go the frustration.

Contentment continued. Fancy dreams occupied my sleeping hours. I saw a shark watermelon so I smiled. Then I woke up. It was 5:30 in the morning.

And you slept like a baby aside. 

星期一, 5月 28, 2012

Save my kisses for you

Save your kisses for me
show me how you miss me
all so easily
my lovin
save your kisses for me
cos I don't wanna be
A summer love thing

The way of your touch is always heavenly
and I love the way that you're loving me
You wrapped me up in the color of your love
you must be an angel high from above

How can I be sure that you won't go and what will be


Are you gonna be there when I need someone
and will I be always just the only one
I don't wanna have just another heartbreak
So tell me is your love true or a fake



One kiss, one love, one word
one vow and nothing more
One night, one dream, gonna save it save it for me



五年前寫下了失眠的文章,記低服藥的經驗,五年後情況有文血清因為失眠,Remeron 是我不敢再

星期一, 5月 21, 2012





星期日, 5月 20, 2012



章小蕙亦寫得一手好文字,我在氣餒時特別喜歡翻她的書,借一點力量。例如我重讀她打官私時堅持要sleep well and look extremely good,我便買了 SKII。屢敗屢戰不在話下,更重要的是死都要靚。

上一次用 SKII,不蓋你說,那是我的大學年代。對,我大學靠補習有一點收入。對對對,我認為女人保養要趁早。但廿歲時皮膚本身已經狀態大勇,進步空間有限,保養品不會帶來奇妙轉變。但三十歲就不同說法,這一次用了神仙水一個星期,美白效果立彰見影,原本曬得黑黑的皮膚淺了一度。最厲害是整張臉的膚色都均勻了,襯得眉毛更濃,五官更立體。


星期日, 5月 13, 2012

Intensive Job Interviews, Intensive Failure

Normally I wake up at 12pm noon unless there is a job interview appointment scheduled in the morning. One day I woke up at 9am and managed to get myself sitting in front of this Private Banker who was about to open the Far East branch of the PB in three months' time.  This Private Banker is coming from all the way from the Balkans. He has a pair of blue eyes and talks with a strong accent. His first question was" Do you dance?"


Then I went to the airport to attend another interview. It was 5pm and the girl from the recruitment team showed up several times at the room where I was abandoned for some very useless writing tests.  I thought she wanted to rush me because it was about time for her to call it a day. Anyway the writing was done and the hiring manager showed up. She took a glance at my resume and attempted to confirm with me a very basic and hardcore fact :" you said you last salary was HKD 3X thousand?" She continued :" 如果我知道我就唔會麻煩你黎. "

... just to name a few.

星期二, 5月 08, 2012



