星期二, 2月 28, 2017

星期一, 2月 27, 2017

翻蒙著面容的 René Magritte

講完《紅樓夢》又講下畫。René Magritte 依然是我最喜歡的畫家。

René Magritte 屬於超現實派,然而認識一位畫家就如認識男朋友,要從其童年去了解他,嘗試明白昨日之他是如何朔造今日之他。

"The Lovers" 是 René Magritte 著名的畫作之一,變化萬千。


然而我道聼旁說,René Magritte 的母親投河自盡,聞說其母親屍體被發現時衣服向上翻蒙著面容。

又再聞說 René Magritte 否認上述境況並再否認上述境況影響了他的蒙頭畫作。

如果我認識 René Magritte,我不會查根問底。喜歡他就默默支持他吧。

以前 Hotel W 的 Living Room 以 René Magritte作室內設計藍本,還有很多他的畫冊。後來轉了 Andy Warhol,我便沒有再去 Living Room。

Andy Warhol is just not my cup of tea.

但如果有人送我 Andy Warhol 的畫呢⋯⋯咁就發達。

在荷里活道畫廊打工時門可羅雀,一天居然有位貴婦在盛夏推門進來問畫廊老闆那幅 Andy Warhol 毛凙東的價格若干。我見到貴婦戴 Van Cleef & Arpels Magic 長頸錬自然不敢待慢。


星期日, 2月 26, 2017







星期六, 2月 25, 2017

"On This Night Of A Thousand Stars"


"On This Night Of A Thousand Stars"

Now Eva Peron had every disadvantage
You need if you're gonna succeed
No money, no cash
No father, no bright lights
There was nowhere she'd been
At the age of fifteen

As this tango singer found out
Agustin Magaldi
Who has the distinction of being the first
Man to be of use to Eva Duarte

On this night of a thousand stars
Let me take you to heaven's door
Where the music of love's guitars
Plays for evermore

In the glow of those twinkling lights
We shall love through eternity
On this night in a million nights
Fly away with me

I never dreamed that a kiss could be as sweet as this
But now I know that it can
I used to wander alone without a love of my own
I was a desperate man
But all my grief disappeared and all the sorrow I'd feared
Wasn't there anymore
On that magical day when you first came my way
Mi amor

On this night
On this night
On this night of a thousand stars
Let me take you to heaven's door
Where the music of love's guitars
Plays for evermore

星期五, 2月 24, 2017






My logo The Purple Head

The logo of mine was a portrait of mine. Period
P.S. Pictured took during university at CUHK with my schoolmate cum friend from the Philosophy Department.


100毛 added a new video. 11 hrs · 
 紳士牌花生先生欽點: 林海峰《選戰花生背後》 


 特別鳴謝深情主唱林海峰Jan Lamb、抽水專員陶傑 Channel、走音歌王gregory wong 王宗堯、神級歌手崔建芒(Amango)、跳老舞蹈員利君牙以及花生友Kraft Food HK 卡夫食品

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