Tanda Luxe Skin Rejuvenation Photofacial Device 主要透過紅光Luxe660納米紅光直達肌膚5.5微米處,激活肌膚細胞,刺激膠原蛋白;有效改善臉部細紋和皺紋,肌膚健康亮麗; 光療護理後,肌膚正處於最佳吸收護膚品狀態,能有效逆轉熟齡肌膚,對抗歲月痕跡。
TANDA光療美膚是全球最領先的美膚儀公司,強脈衝激光技術(IPL) 的發明人賽諾龍公司旗下品牌,全球市場佔有率38%,所有TANDA光療美膚產品都進行臨床測試和認證,安全高效,設計便捷,使用簡單。
Fight 7 signs of aging with 1 amazing device
Tanda Luxe uses the same red light technology as dermatologists to boost collagen and fight the major signs of aging for more radiant, visibly younger-looking skin.
• Reduces fine lines and wrinkles for a more youthful-looking complexion
• Fights dullness for a radiant complexion
• Hydrates to nourish dry skin for a healthy-looking glow
• Firms and plumps to restore skin’s youthful appearance
• Improves rough texture for smooth, soft skin
- See more at: http://www.tanda.com/luxe.html#sthash.RibLaoMC.dpuf