星期一, 10月 30, 2017

I need your encouragement and suggestions for improvement on LinkedIn

Welcome all 
feedback, comments, encouragement, 
motivational words, 
suggestion for improvement.

 It will meant a lot to me.

How to give your feedback on me on Linkedin

  1. Type "Sonia So" on google or search "Sonia So" on Linkedin:
Search Google

Search in Linkedin     

2. Scroll down to the "Recommendations" session and leave your feedback, encouragement, comments, opinions and even areas for improvement!


You are all done. 
Thank you very much!


I need your encouragement of suggestions for improvement on LinkedIn

Welcome all 
feedback, comments, encouragement, 
motivational words, 
suggestion for improvement.

 It will meant a lot to me.

How to give your feedback on me on Linkedin

  1. Type "Sonia So" on google or search "Sonia So" on Linkedin:
Search Google

Search in Linkedin     

2. Scroll down to the "Recommendations" session and leave your feedback, encouragement, comments, opinions and even areas for improvement!


You are all done. 
Thank you very much!


星期三, 10月 25, 2017

On Bail

Well, 其實 on bail 也沒有什麼大不了。不過過馬路要小心啲囉。

剛才他又想紅公仔過馬路,我立刻提醒他我 on bail 呀。

他大笑:「哈哈哈哈如果我朋友問我女朋友最近點,我會話佢 on bail。」



On bail 黎講我第三次啦。On bail 都唔驚,其實我真係冇咩驚。



星期六, 10月 21, 2017

20171019 FX 外滙 BB 班 by Sonia SO 第二集



👠靚女FB show 左好多一千蚊紙,然後約你見面呀,仲會傳授倫敦金專業知識俾你架--- 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 so 既事情真係發生緊架。 😎😎😎😎😎


#trading  #forextrader #daytrading #forexsignals #gold #currency #millionaire #rich #trade  #binaryoptions #dollar #euro #investor #gbpusd #investing #billionaire #technicalanalysis #markets #usdjpy #metatrader #futures #forexmarket 











#倫敦金 #妹妹



星期二, 10月 17, 2017

For People Who Has A Point Of View


//Wintour revealed what she looks for in employees. "We’re trying to reimagine and rethink and understand that different generations, different audiences require different voices, and that’s fascinating and challenging,” Wintour told Adweek. The key to accomplishing that is “finding people that really have a real point of view,”//

星期五, 10月 13, 2017

Bloody Barbee, walking down the street. Bloody Barbee...


//Imagine if our culture believed women who came forward about sexual harassment, abuse, and assault. 

If it did, perhaps the victims of Harvey Weinstein's alleged predatory behavior wouldn't have feared coming forward on their own. 

Actress Katherine Kendall explained to The New York Times that she didn't tell anyone about the harassment she suffered at the hands of Weinstein because, "I'll never work again and no one is going to care or believe me." 

If women knew they'd be as trusted when they spoke out as, say, a man is, it would not only mean that more women would feel safe doing so—but that abusers wouldn't feel quite so protected.//







我有條賺錢 Formula 我梗係唔俾人知啦。



FX BB 班 by Sonia SO


#daytrading #forexsignals #gold #currency #millionaire #rich #trade  #binaryoptions #dollar #euro #investor #gbpusd #investing #billionaire #technicalanalysis #markets #usdjpy #metatrader #usd #foreignexchange #futures #forexmarket #模擬外匯賬戶 #外匯 模擬 #模擬外匯 #國外外匯開戶 #外匯模擬交易平台 #外匯模擬交易平台
