星期三, 5月 29, 2013

It's not the winning

To plagiarize Tolstoy - all winners look the same, all losers lose uniquely.

There is no revelation in winning, no lesson to be learnt. A winner has just done what we EXPECT, HOPE and DREAM OF. A winner has fleetingly been best at a mere game this once. Losing and how you lose and how you cope with loss is the drama and the lesson of sport. It’s the fist-full of character you have to summon up, the avalanche of acceptance, the dashing of expectation, the public truth that others are better than you.

You haven’t just to live with this truth, but to overcome it, to COME BACK from it and DO IT AGAIN. Look at a defeated boxer’s battered face – that is to really glimpse our shared humanity. The victor is just a child who’s won a fight.

-  This beautiful and meaningful text is written by A.A.GILL and is published by Hermes on her latest catalogue. 

- Picture of mine took on 26 May 2013 at Discovery Bay, Hong Kong